Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Tapping Into the Exponential Power of Corporate Prayer

Never underestimate the power of corporate prayer.

Let us never minimize the power of prayer. And let’s always remember that united, corporate prayer is often even more impactful.

My beloved friend, Paul Billheimer, wrote some of the best books on prayer of the last century. He has been home with the Lord for almost 30 years but his words are as fresh as if they were written yesterday:

“The praying people are the body politic of the world, and the church holds the balance of power in world affairs. Not only in future ages is she the ruling and governing force in the social order, but even now, in this present throbbing moment, by means of her prayer power and to the extent to which she uses it, the praying church is actually deciding the course of human events. Some day we shall discover that prayer is the most important factor in shaping the course of human history.” (The Technique of Spiritual Warfare)

Frankly, every time I read that I’m convicted. Suppose Dr. Billheimer is only half right in his assertions. We should be praying much more.

“There is a place where thou canst touch the eyes

Of blinded men to instant perfect sight;

There is a place where thou canst say, ‘Arise!’

To dying captives, bound in chains of night.

There is a place where thou canst reach the store

Of hoarded gold and free in for the Lord;

There is a place upon some distant shore

Where thou canst send the worker and the Word;

There is a place where heaven’s resistant power

Responsive moves to thine insistent plea;

There is a place—a silent trysting hour—

Where God Himself descends and fights for thee.

Where is that secret place? Dost thou ask where?

O soul, it is the secret place of prayer!”

—Quoted by Leonard Ravenhill, Revival Praying

David Shibley is founder and international representative of Global Advance, a ministry providing training, resources and encouragement to church and marketplace leaders worldwide.

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