David Shibley

  • 24 Reasons to Believe Hell Is a Reality

    24 Reasons to Believe Hell Is a Reality

    Note: This article originally appeared in the April 2003 issue of Charisma magazine. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army and a man who dedicated his life to lifting the poor out of sin and poverty, reportedly made this state­ment: “Most Christian organizations would like to send their workers to Bible college for five years.

  • Tapping Into the Exponential Power of Corporate Prayer

    Tapping Into the Exponential Power of Corporate Prayer

    Let us never minimize the power of prayer. And let’s always remember that united, corporate prayer is often even more impactful. My beloved friend, Paul Billheimer, wrote some of the best books on prayer of the last century. He has been home with the Lord for almost 30 years but his words are as fresh as if

  • Look At America: Why Focus On World Evangelism?

    Look At America: Why Focus On World Evangelism?

    Some actually pose this question to me aloud. Many others I know are thinking it–“David, we’re not even evangelizing our own country. We’re losing ground right here. How can we possibly talk about evangelizing the world?” It’s a good question–with a good answer. Jesus Himself gives the answer: “You shall receive power when the Holy

  • The Day That Changed the Church

    The Day That Changed the Church

    Measuring the effect 9/11 has had on the American—and global—church Where were you ... ?”You probably remember where you were when the horrific events on that epochal day unfolded. Life got more fragile. Worldviews were altered. Innocence was lost. The terrorists who carried out these atrocities were driven—not by money or fame—but by a destructive belief…

  • OpEd: Thoughts on What We Could Never Pay, What We Will Always Owe

    OpEd: Thoughts on What We Could Never Pay, What We Will Always Owe

    Let’s talk about debt. Of course the recent struggles in Washington sorely tempt me to opine on the egregious spectacle we have just endured. However, our status as a non-profit ministry (and hopefully some common sense) limits any political comment. But one obvious fact can be safely asserted: debt has consequences. Let’s look at our…

  • Still Here: Thoughts on Why We Weren’t Taken

    Still Here: Thoughts on Why We Weren’t Taken

    Well, the world as we know it did not end last weekend – much to the chagrin of a few Bible teachers.I’ve been around long enough to remember the flurry of interest in a book titled 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. When that year passed, the author followed up with predictions…

  • Surviving Life’s Tsunamis

    Surviving Life’s Tsunamis

    It seemed like a regular day at the beach. When the blasts of billions of tons of water wrecked the coasts of more than a dozen Asian nations on Dec. 26, 2004, most of the people on the beaches were totally unaware of the looming danger. In its wake the massive tsunami claimed more than…

  • Christ Our Hope

    Christ Our Hope

    About a year ago I wrote on the subject of biblical hope. Since then, like many believers, my wife, Naomi, and I have been pelted with heartbreaking news. Unexpected deaths of friends and ministry associates. Cancer among our dearest friends. Defections from the ministry. Moral failures. Bankruptcies. Church splits. Widespread disillusionment—even among veteran believers. Over…

  • 10 Reasons We Must GO

    10 Reasons We Must GO

    The Great Commission is not a suggestion. If you are wondering whether you should be involved in missions, consider these biblical mandates.Twenty-three humanitarian workers from a church in South Korea were kidnapped in 2007 in Afghanistan. Two of them, including a pastor, were killed by their Taliban captors. After wrenching negotiations the remaining workers were…

  • Reflections on God’s Intervention at ORU

    Reflections on God’s Intervention at ORU

    In the last several years I have witnessed at least two astounding miracles where Christian ministries have experienced a literal rebirth. The first is a doctrinal miracle. The Worldwide Church of God, founded by Herbert W. Armstrong in 1934, reexamined its doctrines and practices after Armstrong's death in 1986. This led to a complete theological…

  • Is Jesus Really The Only Way?

    Our culture says all religions lead to God. We as Christ’s followers can’t afford to be confused about this issue. How would you answer if you knew millions were watching? A certain amiable TV talk-show host has a worldwide audience. Whenever his guest is a well-known Christian, the big question will always surface eventually: “Now,

  • Let’s Get Radical

    Let’s Get Radical

    Nine years ago I made this declaration: "I spent the first 50 years of my life trying to be balanced. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to be radical." All history shapers are radical, and I believe it's time for believers everywhere to take on this attribute.

  • Bank on God’s Faithfulness

    Bank on God’s Faithfulness

    In light of the recent economic crises and major political, social and moral changes in our nation, people everywhere are asking, "What can I still count on in these turbulent times?" I have an answer that is firmly grounded in the Scriptures: "You can count on God's unfailing faithfulness." Here are three ways God is…

  • An Open Letter to Southern Baptists

    The issue of spiritual gifts—particularly speaking in tongues—has divided charismatics and Baptists for too long. Can we talk together?

  • Don’t Miss Your Christmas Miracle

    Many of us get so caught up in the mad holiday rush that we miss the point. Here’s how you can stay focused on the reason for the season.

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