Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Our Founding Fathers established a
nearly foolproof system of government; its checks and balances are
among the most noteworthy aspects of our republic. Our executive,
legislative, and judicial branches, ­ when functioning as they were
designed, ­ champion our liberties and prevent our government from
becoming tyrannical and oppressive. By and large, however, the American
people are sadly uninformed about democratic principles and their role
in safeguarding our freedoms. What’s more, the clearly defined lines
between the three branches of government are becoming blurred and United
States citizens are paying the price.We must continue to pray that God protects our way of life, asking that He would embed men and women in office who
are committed to serving their constituents with integrity. We must
remain in prayer for our elections, beseeching God to prompt our fellow
citizens to become involved in this process. Voting is both a duty and a
privilege, and the outcomes of our political races are critical in
determining the future course of our nation.

May God’s hand of wisdom and
guidance remain upon each segment of our society, and through His
Spirit, may believers be inspired to “pray continually” (I Thessalonians
5:17). We are assured that the Almighty hears our petitions. As people
from coast to coast lift their voices in prayer, repentance and
humility, we simply cannot underestimate how the Lord will respond. Let
us together come before His throne with these words on our lips and in
our hearts, “God bless America!”


Here are scriptures to use to pray for our leaders, as well as the judges in our courts. Ask God to grant them wisdom to act with integrity.

Find a prayer event in your area.

This information was gathered from the National Day of Prayer’s website

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