How can God give us anything if we can never make up our minds concerning what we want?
Inevitably, our journeys through life bring us to many unavoidable decisions, and we will always get into trouble if we make them emotionally or according to what we think or want. God wants us to make wise decisions. I believe having wisdom is choosing to do now what we will be happy with later.
I love Proverbs 8:2-3: “On the top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, stands Wisdom [skillful and godly]; at the gates at the entrance of the town, at the coming in at the doors, she cries out” (The Amplified Bible).
If you want to simplify your life, you must think about the future and realize the choices you make today will affect tomorrow. Some people are never able to relax and enjoy life because every day they deal with messes resulting from not walking in wisdom. I frequently hear people say, “I know I should not do this, but … .”
It is foolish to do things we know we shouldn’t do. How can anyone expect to get a right result if they already know they are making a wrong decision?
They are gambling on things turning out right anyway, but wisdom does not gamble; it invests. Making the decision to do the right things now may not bring pleasure right away, but it does later on. So many people pay a high price for a cheap thrill, but you can make a decision right now to not be one of them.
It’s entirely possible that we make a million decisions in our lifetime, and the wiser they are, the better our lives will be. Simplifying your life requires that you really think about your decisions before you make them. James 5:12 says, “But above all [things], my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath; but let your yes be [a simple] yes, and your no be [a simple] no, so that you may not sin and fall under condemnation.”
What James is saying is, “Make a decision. Just say yes or no; and don’t keep changing your mind.” We often labor over the choices before us when we just need to make a decision and let it stand. This may be a simple example, but think about it: When you stand in front of your closet in the morning looking at all your clothes, just choose something and put it on. Do not go back and forth until you make yourself late for work!
Let me encourage you to start making decisions without second-guessing yourself or worrying about the choices you make. Don’t be double-minded or wishy-washy because doubting your decisions after you make them will steal the enjoyment from everything you do. Make the best decisions you can and trust God with the results. Do not be anxious or afraid of being wrong.
If your heart is right and you make a decision not in accordance with God’s will, He will forgive you and help you move on. Be decisive. Whatever you need to do in life, just do it-and keep it simple. “Let go and let God be God” really is a good idea. It immediately simplifies any situation, no matter how difficult. We need to do what we can and then cast the rest, along with our cares, on God.
The Bible says we should do what the crisis requires and “having done all … to stand” (Eph. 6:13). Work at having a simple approach to decision-making. Life is too short to live it frustrated.
Joyce Meyer is a New York Times best-selling author and one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers. She has written more than 70 books, including the popular Beauty for Ashes and Battlefield of the Mind, and her most recent, Never Give Up! (all FaithWords). She is also the founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries Inc. and the host of Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide.