They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. —Mark 16:18

I was holding a meeting in Indiana; there were few people there to pray the power down. Dr. Daggett, a physician, came to the meetings whenever he could and would lead in prayer.

Sometimes he had to go out, he suffered so with pain in his knees. The Lord began to say to me, “That man ought to be healed.” He impressed this upon me so much, I had to go to him and say, “I wish you did not have to go out; I need you here.”

He said, “I am very sorry, but I suffer so I have to go.” I asked him if he did not believe God could heal him, and told him that I believed God wanted to heal him.

God was working with him in the same way. So I called the congregation together and said, “Are there any Christians here who believe God can heal? If you really believe, come and help me. I am going to pray for healing.”

Several came. I did not know what to do any more than a baby. I began to pray; the power of the Lord raised my right arm up until it was over Dr. Daggett’s knee and then stopped, for I did not like to touch it. The power of God was in my hand, and He wanted me to lay my hand on that man’s knee.

When I understood what God wanted, I laid my hand on the knee and asked God to take the disease out. Dr. Daggett sprang to his feet, healed. He had been in discomfort for twelve years; everyone knew him, and everyone was amazed.

Lord, give me the faith to lay hands
on the sick, praying for them to be
healed. Amen.

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