Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

In these trying days, many people are finding it harder to find the hope to cope. There is an acceleration of prophetic events and time is being compressed as if the “days are being shortened” (Matt. 24:22).

This world has changed on every level and the enemy of our souls is leveling up his game in these final days. But, despite the tumult and turmoil, the good is breaking though as we are now seeing an awakening, a worldwide revival with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is reaching all people. “In the last days, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see dreams, and your old men will dream dreams” (Acts 2:17).

We are in a battle and we wrestle not against flesh and blood, so we know that as strongly as revival is breaking out, the enemy is breaking out everything in his arsenal to try to douse the Holy Spirit’s fire. It’s “game on” in the supernatural realm and this time it’s the grand finale. God is moving and the world is shaking on all fronts. The great awakening has begun and when God moves, everything moves.

Fighting an illness? Fighting financial problems? Fighting relationship issues, job problems or marital discord? It is time for all of these things to move out of your way as you move into position with complete faith, trust and surrender to God.

He is moving mightily. He is moving mountains that have not been moved before because He is calling you up now for your highest service. The mountains before you will all be level ground before God. Watch the things that have weighed you down lift as you move closer to Him.

There is change in the atmosphere. It is palpable. A mighty end-time move of God is in progress and no matter what you may be going through, a change is going to come. God is calling you now into active service.

This is more than Sunday pew sitting. As God moves, move with Him and solidify your position, stand strong, stand tall and watch as God’s plan for all the ages comes full circle now in real time. You were born for these days, appointed to be here during these times.

Your calling is a high one and nothing that you are currently dealing with in your life will stop the plan of God on your life. Trust Him! The battle is on and we are His soldiers. … He has equipped us. He is calling us. He is flattening our mountains. It is now our move.

The enemy’s camp is in a continuous battle to keep believers in the dark about the power and strength they have appropriated because of grace through Jesus Christ. It is this mountain moving power that renders the enemy’s plan of attack ineffective.

It is important to realize that people who fight us or persecute us are not our enemies. You must remember that our battle is a spiritual one and you need to put on armor, the spiritual armor of God that is impenetrable.

As Christians, we must understand the severity of this End Times battle. What was read to you and taught as the armor of God as a Sunday sermon in the past is now your permanent uniform as you move in lock step with believers who have been called for active duty for End Times warfare. The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes with the preparation of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6:14).

What is the best weapon you can use against the powers and principalities during these End Times? What can you do to flatten the mountains that rise up in your path? Use the Word of God. When Jesus encountered Satan’s temptations, He countered it with “It is written” and then commanded him using Scripture.

Stand strong, put on the whole armor of God, move with Him, press into Him, use the Word of God as your weapon of warfare. This will keep your mountains moved and prevent you from becoming a casualty on the spiritual battlefield.

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Janet Maccaro, PhD, CNC, is a respected lecturer, author and radio/television personality. She has doctorates in nutrition and natural healing and is also a leading expert in natural progesterone supplementation. She is internationally recognized for her knowledge in women’s health. Maccaro is a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. Dr. Maccaro has written several books, including “90-Day Immune System Makeover,” “Breaking the Grip of Dangerous Emotions,” “Natural Health Remedies” and her latest release, “A Woman’s Body Balanced by Nature.”

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