they either ran toward the enemy, like David, or cowered and ran away
like those who spied out the land of Canaan. Today, we encounter
similar challenges—though the giants themselves may be different. But
we are not defeated. God has given us the mighty spiritual weapons of
His name, His Word, His blood, His Spirit and His faith with which to
fight and win.
1 Sam. 17:1
Acts 3:6-10,16; 4 (His name)
Matt. 4:1-11 (His Word)
Col. 1:13-14
Rev. 12:10-11 (His blood)
Zech. 4:6 (His Spirit)
Eph. 6:16
1 John 5:4-5 (His faith)
We can sometimes feel defenseless and insecure when
facing troubles. What steps can you take to begin employing the
spiritual weapons you’ve been given?
Father, make us more aware of Your strength and less
aware of our weaknesses. Teach us to lay hold of Your power and Your
truth and to exercise the authority that You’ve given us over the
enemy. Amen.