Most men with pornography addictions would do anything to cover their tracks. But one multi-campus pastor is shining a light on his addiction—and sharing how he finally found deliverance.
Perry Noble, senior pastor of NewSpring Church in South Carolina, is on a mission to reach 100,000 people in his state with the gospel. But he had to reach down deep to break free from porn’s grip first.
In a guest post on, Noble tells the story of how he got addicted to porn—his dad bought a satellite dish and he had access to pornography channels—but when he accepted Christ he wanted out of the bondage of pornography. Unfortunately, his freedom didn’t come overnight.
“In fact, I struggled with it for the next 10 years. Porn was my ‘secret sin’ no one knew about, Noble wrote. “The struggle was real and emotionally and spiritually intense. I doubted my salvation, I almost walked away from the ministry, I thought that God hated me … I just could not get control of the addiction.”
Today, he’s free. So how did he do it? In the post, he shares five steps: (1) ask for accountability; (2) get away from the web; (3) do not travel alone; (4) tell your wife; (5) and ask God to help you to develop a healthy view of women. (You can read them all in greater detail on
“I have been there—I have struggled—and I have overcome it … and the same Jesus who lives inside of me lives inside of you. You don’t have to live with this addiction,” Noble says. “If you need help you can start here or feel free to contact me at”