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Tue. Jan 7th, 2025

Daniel 9:2

The third determination God gave to us is: “to make reconciliation for iniquity.” Because of sin, we are separated from God so as to not know His life and His intimacy. Jesus, the Messiah, came to reconcile us to His Father so we could know the depth of His love, the oneness of inner peace, unity and oneness with the Father and Jesus, and to have God’s glory that lived in Jesus. That is life as God has life.

In Jesus, our iniquities are no more. We have access to the throne of God. We can come before God daily, moment by moment, without fear or rejection. We are one with the Father and Jesus. It is glorious to live in this presence. Jesus says the Father and Him come and make Their home in us.

We are loved and accepted into God’s eternal family as we live in covenant with God. This is the beauty of the New Covenant, which Jeremiah said would replace the law of Moses.

With our iniquities taken care of, we can know the limitless expression of God’s love as Jesus and the Father know. This is Jesus’ prayer for us in John 17:20-26. It is Paul’s prayer for us in Ephesians 3:14-21. We can love Jesus and the Father because Jesus first loved us (Rom. 5:5-11).

We commit iniquities from a lack of love in our hearts. It is a darkness in our souls that moves us to sin, to do what we know is wrong and not do what we know is right. When God places His love in us, we come alive to love as Jesus loved.

Beverly, my wife, reminded me yesterday of what our son asked when he was around two or three years old. I came home from visiting a person in the hospital and told everyone he had heart surgery.

As only a child can state in complete innocence, he asked, “Did they find Jesus in his heart?”

Yes, Jesus and His love are in our hearts at the core of our being. Because of that gift of love, we desire to do what is pleasing to our Father and hate it when we disobey His will.

Rejoice today that the black stain of iniquity on your soul is cleansed by the blood of Jesus. God has determined that through His Son, our Messiah. Rejoice that God loves you and you love Jesus and the Father. That truth will carry you through many rough days!

Jesus Established God’s Righteousness in Us

Daniel 9:24

As we look at the fourth determination given to Daniel by God, we need to pause and ask, “Are you being awakened to the truth that Jesus is coming again? How are you changing how you live in connection with the teachings of Jesus in this season before He returns?”

Determine in this prophecy “to bring in everlasting righteousness.” Who is the Son of Righteousness in Jeremiah? He is the Messiah, who is Jesus.

To be righteous in the Bible is one who does what is right morally. He or she follows the right path of life, which is God’s way. He or she does not wander off this path of what is morally right. He lives in covenant with God and knows what that means in terms of love and obedience.

Righteousness describes who God is. Jesus came to establish God’s righteousness. Righteousness expresses the justice of God and what is just. In Christ, we are made righteous by His blood, which brings us into covenant with God. We are no longer declared guilty in our sin for Jesus paid the price for our sin on the cross.

In my covenant relationship with God in Christ, I am righteous. I am no longer condemned as guilty but stand right before God, holy and just. I am justified by the blood of Jesus. It is the only way to be reconciled to God and have the free gift of eternal life. By faith, Abraham was declared righteous by God.

We live in a world full of unrighteousness. We sin. We do not always do what is right. Therefore, we are unrighteous. Isaiah says all are unrighteous is as though we are filthy rags (Isa. 64:6).

Jesus came to put an end to unrighteousness and to bring in everlasting righteousness. He did this by being the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He could do this because He is the only person who ever lived a complete life of righteousness. He never sinned. Thus, He was the blameless sacrifice for our sin.

The righteousness of Jesus shines forth the light and glory of God. It establishes His truth, justice and peace in our lives and will establish it in the nations forever. It is the standard of our salvation. One must be declared righteous by God legally and relationally; this is only possible by the blood of Jesus Christ and entering into a covenant with God through His blood. That is why Jesus is the Son of Righteousness, as declared by the prophet Jeremiah.

Rejoice today in this precious gift of righteousness given to you in Jesus Christ. Pray to live a righteous life by the power of the Holy Spirit in you and by the Father and the Son who have made their home in your life. Think of yourself as righteous in Christ and then act that way in the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word!

In Greater Love, author Blake Lorenz shares a captivating story of one man’s journey through time after God has chosen him to prepare Israel and the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. All the proceeds will go to our mission and evangelism work around the world and in Central Florida. blakelorenzministries.com {eoa}

Once a professional baseball player with the Chicago Cubs Organization, Blake Lorenz was called to Asbury Seminary after a radical encounter with Jesus, where he received his master’s degree. He has pastored in the Orlando area for 33 years and has been blessed with the opportunity to evangelize globally, visiting five continents and preaching the gospel to tens of thousands. Blake has also helped plant 500 churches. He has been working in Israel for the past 20 years, includes serving on the board of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in connection with the Knesset. In 2020, blakelorenzministries.com and the Awaken podcast launched to teach and challenge others to join him on a journey of anticipating the return of Jesus. He has used the three books he’s written in his seminars and conferences. He and his wife, Beverly, share three children and six grandchildren.

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