Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Top of the Week: ‘Massive Altar’ for Red Heifer Sacrifice Constructed in Israel

(Charisma Media)

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on mycharisma.com. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

‘Massive Altar’ for Red Heifer Sacrifice Constructed in Israel

Since the time of Moses, only nine red heifers have been sacrificed.

Now, a “massive altar” for the 10th red heifer sacrifice has been built in Israel, and there is a tremendous amount of speculation that it could happen soon.

In September 2022, five red heifers were flown from the state of Texas to the land of Israel. Since that time, one of them has been disqualified, but the other four continue to be candidates for a red heifer sacrifice.

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WARNING: Eclipse and Blood Moon Signal Impending Judgment

Is the coming Great American Eclipse a prophetic warning from God?

As the nation prepares for the celestial event, many are excited about seeing it. But what if this eclipse is more than just a fun and exciting event? What if it is an actual warning from God?

In one of her most recent messages, Amanda Grace discussed the significance of the coming eclipse in relation to historical eclipses, including the eclipse that happened in Nineveh before Jonah came with a message of repentance.

Brace Yourself for the Devil Comet During the Purim Blood Moon Eclipse

During the next couple of months, so many amazing things are going to be happening in the heavens. For example, during the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on Apr. 8, the sun, the moon and the seven other planets in our solar system will all line up in the sky.

It is almost as if the entire solar system will be screaming that this is a once in a lifetime event. But before we get to Apr. 8, there will be some other absolutely incredible things happening in the skies above our heads. On Mar. 25, we will witness a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Since so much attention has been focused on the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on Apr. 8, this other eclipse has kind of snuck up on us.

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Kanye West Renounces Christian Faith, Calls Himself God

Jesus isn’t King for Kanye after all.

In an interview with radio host Big Boy, West revealed the issues he has with Christianity and the apparent lack of answered prayers he had when he was trying to pursue the Christian faith.

“I have my issues with Jesus,” West says. “There’s a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed, and I didn’t see Jesus show up.”

Are the Red Heifers a Sign of the End Times?

What do the red heifers mean for our current day and age?

Most people might wonder what a cow, a red heifer in specific, has to do with the end times. Yet, there is something profound to be understood about the red heifers when we dive into biblical prophecy.

In his exclusive Beyond The Article video, Charisma Media staff writer James Lasher discussed the importance of what the red heifers mean for us as we look at the coming end of the age.

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