Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

The Revival Fire of God

Fire is identifiable. It’s difficult to conceal. You don’t have to advertise a fire. When there is a house fire, the local news channel just shows up. People come out of nowhere to watch it burn. They’ll even stare at the aftermath of a fire—the ash and shell of the building.

The fire of God is much more recognizable. During revival, the people of God are saturated with the fire of God. The fire that descends isn’t just a little candlewick upon our heads. It is the power of God that burns within to win the world for Jesus Christ. In turn, they carry His burning fire to the nations. His fire spreads through Christian brushfires who start fires wherever they go.

The Holy Spirit is the fire of God. He doesn’t have some fire. He is fire. His very presence is fire. And His fire isn’t just symbolic, like the orange flame on the logo of many Christian denominations. He is the all-consuming fire.

In revival, God’s fire changes our temperature from cold and lukewarm to red-hot! His fire lights the darkness, purifies and consumes our sin. His fire softens hearts, and leads, guides and directs. Just like in the book of Acts, Christians, filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, become walking revivals.

When you are consumed with the fire of the Holy Spirit, people will look at you and see the priorities of God, the activity of God, the power of God and the love of God. They’ll see Jesus in you.

To find out more about the fire of God in revival and hear about a revival where a young girl was doused with buckets of water because she appeared to be physically on fire, listen this week’s Fire Starter podcast. {eoa}

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