Jamie Morgan

  • The Breaker Anointing

    The Breaker Anointing

    Our God in heaven takes joy in our drawing near to Him, so He can bless us with a supernatural encounter with Him. On this episode of Fire Starter with Dr. Jamie Morgan, learn how to unlock your breakthrough today! Discussing her book, The Breaker Anointing, author Barbara Yoder explains that “the breaker anointing is

  • No Repentance, No Revival

    No Repentance, No Revival

    Are you increasingly disheartened over the spiritual condition of the church? Are you fervently contending for God to revive His bride? Please keep interceding for revival—we need your prayers—but we also need a hunger in prayer for a spirit of repentance to pour upon the church. Sin can stand in the way of what God

  • The Revival Fire of God

    The Revival Fire of God

    Fire is identifiable. It’s difficult to conceal. You don’t have to advertise a fire. When there is a house fire, the local news channel just shows up. People come out of nowhere to watch it burn. They’ll even stare at the aftermath of a fire—the ash and shell of the building. The fire of God

  • How to Get Your Second Wind Following COVID-19

    How to Get Your Second Wind Following COVID-19

    When you think of the past 18 months, what word comes to mind? Painful. Refining. Crazy. Sifting. Disappointing. Challenging. Frustrating. Lonely. Pruning. Turbulent. Draining. Shaking. Unraveling. Heartbreaking. Surprising. Chaotic. Uncomfortable. Confusing. Revealing. Fatigue. Fatigue. Fatigue. Anyone else exhausted? Let me ask it another way: Anybody not exhausted? If at some point last year, you felt

  • Will You Suffer the Consequences of Sins God Has Forgiven?

    Will You Suffer the Consequences of Sins God Has Forgiven?

    Questions that beg answers: When God forgives me for my sins, will I still suffer consequences? Will the consequences be thrown into the sea of forgetfulness along with my sins? Could my sins cause future generations to suffer? Could one careless sin lead to lifelong consequences? Will my enemies also suffer from consequences? I sat

  • Revivalist Will Ford: How Jesus Responded to Racism

    Revivalist Will Ford: How Jesus Responded to Racism

    Will Ford is a revivalist, a leader in the prayer movement and a reconciler of races. His end goal is that of the Lord’s—redemption. Ford travels the globe with his family’s heirloom, a prayer kettle, passed down from his enslaved ancestors. He uses it as a catalyst for mobilizing prayer, unity, revival and true biblical

  • The Holy Spirit Is Sweeping Your Prodigal Back Into His Presence

    The Holy Spirit Is Sweeping Your Prodigal Back Into His Presence

    You watch them make destructive choices with agonizing consequences. You reach a point where you no longer know what to say, do or pray anymore. You feel helpless when you see them getting worse and not better. You’re all too familiar with the pain of loving a prodigal. Today, God wants to encourage everyone believing

  • Prophetic Warning: It’s Time to Either Surrender or Succumb

    Prophetic Warning: It’s Time to Either Surrender or Succumb

    God always endeavors to prepare His people—if we are listening. He is sounding an alarm to wake up the body of Christ to the work of sifting, cleansing and purifying He wants to do to ready us for whatever is on the horizon. Recently, during a month-long sabbatical, the Lord gave me this prophetic word

  • Revivalist: Why This Spirit Is the No. 1 Enemy of Revival

    Revivalist: Why This Spirit Is the No. 1 Enemy of Revival

    It was a midweek prayer meeting I will never forget. The people of my church were crying out to God for revival; the desperation for revival was palpably heard in the prayers of the people in that room. One of the people in attendance, a gentleman who regularly attended my church, interrupted our revival pleas

  • Why John Bevere Believes Revival Comes Through Fear of the Lord

    Why John Bevere Believes Revival Comes Through Fear of the Lord

    Christians have lost the fear of the Lord. They have become casual, or even flippant, about the things of God. This must change! On these episodes of Fire Starter on the Charisma Podcast Network, I interview John Bevere about his life’s message: the fear of the Lord. We talked about how the coming move of

  • Jeremiah Johnson on the End-Times Messenger

    Jeremiah Johnson on the End-Times Messenger

    I greatly admire Jeremiah Johnson. I love that he exhibits holy boldness, the courage of Christ and that God can entrust Him with hard messages that others perhaps are unwilling to deliver. He is a genuine prophet of God. I also truly admire his humility and willingness to admit fault. While we all miss it,

  • Spirit-Filled Prophet Says Revival Is Coming to America

    Spirit-Filled Prophet Says Revival Is Coming to America

    We are on the precipice of revival! The revival will be greater than we have ever seen before. It will surpass the First Great Awakening, the Azusa Street Revival and the Brownsville Revival. I spoke with my friend, John Bates, on recent episodes of Fire Starter on the Charisma Podcast Network. John is a prophet

  • AG Pastor: How You Can Effectively Seek God’s Face

    AG Pastor: How You Can Effectively Seek God’s Face

    Did you know that because you are a follower of Christ, God’s face is perpetually turned toward you with unconditional love, joy and delight? You are God’s favorite. I am God’s favorite. Jesus loves us as much as the Father loves Him (John 15:9). But how do we seek His face? How do we fix

  • Prophecy: 2021 Is the Year to Sharpen Your Golden Sickle

    Prophecy: 2021 Is the Year to Sharpen Your Golden Sickle

    What an hour to be alive! Although we are in an intense battle between good versus evil, this is the greatest, most exciting season of the church. We are about to enter a season of harvest through a revival like the world has ever seen! At the end of every year, I ask the Lord

  • How This Drug Addict’s Mandated Church Attendance Radically Changed His Life

    How This Drug Addict’s Mandated Church Attendance Radically Changed His Life

    Joe Oden is saved—radically saved. As a teenager, he was a drug dealer and addict. One night after a bad reaction to LSD, Oden was channel surfing and happened upon a television evangelist. He felt the evangelist looking straight at him through the television as he said, “There is someone who is addicted to drugs.

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