The Holy Spirit Is Sweeping Your Prodigal Back Into His Presence

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Jamie Morgan

You watch them make destructive choices with agonizing consequences. You reach a point where you no longer know what to say, do or pray anymore. You feel helpless when you see them getting worse and not better. You’re all too familiar with the pain of loving a prodigal.

Today, God wants to encourage everyone believing for the return of their prodigal: You’re prodigal is coming home!

I recently sat down with JoAnn Kates, a trusted intercessor in the body of Christ and ministry director of Pastors Need Prayer. JoAnn shared a dream from God about the coming revival, in which a tsunami of prodigals will be swept into the church.

In the dream, JoAnn saw a move of God’s Spirit like she had never before seen. A revivalist was praying for a prodigal she personally knows. God revealed to her that the revivalist signified the coming revival, and the prodigal she saw in the dream represented the millions of prodigals who have walked away from the Lord.

As the revivalist prayed for the prodigal, much healing was taking place in the heart and life of that prodigal. JoAnn was struck by the fact that God’s healing power would be a major component of the coming revival—our prodigals are majorly wounded and in need of immense healing.

The dream continued with God revealing a plot of the enemy to try to stop this revival of prodigals. JoAnn and I talked about how to warfare in the Spirit to stave off this attack against revival and how we should spiritually prepare ourselves for the homecoming of our prodigals.

To get ready for your prodigal’s return and learn how to effectively pray for them, listen this week’s Fire Starter podcast. {eoa}

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