No Repentance, No Revival

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Jamie Morgan

Are you increasingly disheartened over the spiritual condition of the church? Are you fervently contending for God to revive His bride? Please keep interceding for revival—we need your prayers—but we also need a hunger in prayer for a spirit of repentance to pour upon the church.

Sin can stand in the way of what God wants to do both individually and corporately. Repentance both prepares hearts for revival and comes as a supernatural consequence of revival. Repentance comes first, then revival—in that order. No repentance, no revival.

Are you familiar with a revival where a church began to publicly repent for sins committed?

Pastors publicly confessed their adulterous affairs, the embezzlement of church funds and murder attempts on their wives. This led to hundreds of other public confessions, which wet the floors with tears of repentance.

The convicting presence of the Lord was so powerful that it was not so much the enormity of the sins disclosed but the agonizing groans of those repenting that shocked the onlookers.

To find out more about this revival, where voices uncontrollably shook under the convicting spirit of repentance, listen this week’s episode of Fire Starter on Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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