AG Pastor: How You Can Effectively Seek God’s Face

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Jamie Morgan

Did you know that because you are a follower of Christ, God’s face is perpetually turned toward you with unconditional love, joy and delight?

You are God’s favorite. I am God’s favorite. Jesus loves us as much as the Father loves Him (John 15:9).

But how do we seek His face? How do we fix our gaze on the one whose face is perpetually turned toward us—in our daily devotional time as well as throughout our day?

God has a face—a beautiful, magnificent face. His face is so full of life that all others faces pale in comparison. His face radiates all He carries and all He is. While there have been some who have seen the physical face of God, I’m not referring to the features of His face such as: skin shade. Eye color. Forehead expanse. Cheekbone placement. Nose size. Eyebrow thickness. Lip curvature. Face shape. These are the qualities that comprise a person’s physical face.

More important than a person’s facial features, much more important, is their countenance.

When I was a little girl, my mother would jokingly say, “Jamie, you could never play poker!” In essence, she was contrasting my inability to hide my facial expressions to that of the flat affect of a poker player hiding the hand he was dealt.

My mom was right. Absolutely everything shows up on my face. My facial expressions reveal when I’m pleased or frustrated, experiencing joy or sorrow, at peace or anxious, and content or seething with anger. Not only does the demeanor of my face display what I’m feeling, but it also divulges the strength and intensity of each of those emotions.

In addition to my inability to conceal my facial expressions, I have “a look.” Actually, I have a slew of them. One of them is my “mom look.” It’s that glance that communicated to my son when he was little everything from, “Say ‘thank you’ for that gift you just received,” to “You’re in big trouble when we get home!” I also have a “wife look” as well as a “pastor look. I am a person of many looks that convey a variety of messages.

From the face of God flows His countenance. One look from God can reveal the fire in His eyes. One glance, can divulge His grief. One glimpse can divulge His unbridled joy.

But, practically speaking, how do we seek His face?

To find out how to seek the face of God, listen to this week’s Fire Starter podcast titled How Do I Seek God’s Face on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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