Over the past 12 years, I’ve been studying, praying and receiving revelation on this unprecedented moment in history in which we are now living. It’s one that many, including me, are calling a “new era.” (An era is defined as “a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.”)
With the transition beginning over 500 years ago, the Father has, in His kindness, been slow to move as some would call slow. He waits for us all. He moves and shifts the world and its people into a place over time, preparing us for the transition into this new kingdom era we have now entered.
I believe you have sensed, felt or seen the transition we are in. Not only in the body of Christ, but universally and specifically, the world around you. This is not due to COVID-19, though it has a part to play. This began long before we began sheltering in place. As we enter the advent of a new era, you get to take part in this amazing time we live. You have a voice in the new era!
But what is the history and what is this new era we have entered? I so enjoy your questions and as the host of the New Era Explorers podcast, it is my heart to respond from these 12 years of study, praying and revelation. Let’s begin this episode with a basic overview of where we have been and three keys that will help you through this transition.
Click here to listen to the entire episode.
Discover more about Byron Easterling at NewEra.academy/about. Check out the Easterlings’ books and materials at NewEra.academy/books. Send us your question about the New Era: [email protected]. For the BHH Widows Project, go here: bhhinternational.com. Follow Byron on social media. Facebook: facebook.com/groups/neweraexplorers/. Instagram: instagram.com/byroneasterling/.