Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Why the Coming Glory May Not Happen the Way We Think

Over the past year, Imore prayer has ascended to the heavens than during any other time in history. And prayer is what precedes revival, never just teaching and preaching.

COVID-19 has gotten our attention, and we obviously mourn the loss of the millions who have suffered and lost their lives; we pray for God’s mercy upon all of the souls who have been affected by this plague.

But we also must ask ourselves, and the Lord, why the fire has not come yet. What hinders the pending revival and awakening that so many church leaders have been predicting?

One would expect that if this much prayer and repentance has gone up, there would be a response from heaven. And God is responding, but it is not quite the way we have thought.

This is because the end-time revival and awakening will not come to us the way other revivals have been sent from heaven in the past. While we always want to glean from the past, God is moving His body into the restoration of all things, and it will require a different approach both to be able to recognize it and fully embrace it. Perhaps the insights and wisdom of the tribe of Issachar, who properly discerned the time and then appropriately responded to it, may help us at this time (see 1 Chronicles 12:32).

Like David, we need to discover the correct procedure and plan to move the ark back toward Jerusalem now that Israel is awakening as this mystery is being unveiled (see Rom. 11:25-27). God has a plan, but before He can send the fire and fullness of His glory upon us, love and unity need to be restored to His family, and Jesus’ prayer in John 17 must be fulfilled. The ekklesia needs to arise and the bride made ready for His coming! (see Rev. 19:7). However, this restoration begins with us believers and followers of Christ. And it is not just about unity in the Gentile church; it is about unity in the “One New Man” between Jewish and Gentile believers, where division was initiated. Addressing this breach first and inviting the mercy of God to restore the family in this place will open the door to receiving greater unity in all other areas.

Now that Israel’s awakening is upon us, there is a bridge for us to cross that puts us on God’s pathway toward the Lord’s return. Please click here to view Grant Berry’s full message.

Author and speaker Grant Berry is the founder of Reconnecting Ministries and Producer of The Romans 911 Project. Grant is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and is promoting a new message into the body of Messiah/Christ during these last days, known as “The Reconnection.” The Reconnection is a term used to describe the reuniting and reconciliation of Jewish and Gentile believers into John 17 love and unity into the “One New Man” now that Israel’s awakening is upon us. The Romans 911 Project has been created to bring The Reconnection message to light, which has primarily been hidden in the mystery of Israel’s restoration according to Romans 11:25-27. For more information and a special offer on The Romans 911 Project, please visit

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