Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

The End-Times Reason the Holy Spirit Told Chuck Pierce to Build an Israel Garden

Reconnection Introduction

On Shavuot/Pentecost of 2018, I launched my latest book on The One New Man between Jew and Gentile, Romans 911 – Time to Sound The Alarm! This book has been a real labor of love for the family of God to find greater unity at this time. The book has a different approach; not only to help the body of Messiah/Christ move into this most special union, but also to lovingly deal with all of the issues that may be keeping Jewish and Gentile believers apart from it.

The new book focuses on the great significance of this spiritual reconnection and how God is moving His family towards it; especially through His apostolic body that He is raising up during these days to help bring it to pass. Many of these spiritual leaders in both the Gentile church and Messianic bodies have unique and fresh perspectives given them from the Holy Spirit during these days to help us to better understand this transaction and how important it is for God’s family to process. And none more than the apostle Chuck Pierce, who shepherds Glory of Zion International Ministries in Corinth, Texas. Chuck Pierce is also strong in the prophetic, and through his gifting, he operates in some very unique levels of the faith receiving greater revelation and insights from God; yet has all the humility and servitude that should go along with that post. Chuck Pierce has become a global leader and voice in this sphere for the church at large and has been given some very keen insights from the Holy Spirit to help the church find a greater connection to the Lord through Israel in the one new man.

I have broken down the interview into two parts:

Part 1: Interview With Apostle Chuck Pierce

Last year I visited with apostle Chuck, as I like to call him, where we took a morning walk and tour around their 238,000 sq. ft. facility in Corinth Texas, which is mostly dedicated to serving their community with all sorts of wonderful helps ministries; what a blessing! Like the land of Israel was when the Jewish people started to return to it, the church land was desolate when they arrived in Corinth. But what really stood out to me more than anything as a Jewish believer was the “Israel Garden” and their apparent connection to Israel and the one new man, which is also reflected in many other art forms all around the building.

The Holy Spirit told Chuck personally to build this garden first, before anything else with his wife Pam (who is a horticulturist and oversees its gardening) when they moved to this new faith center several years ago. And they dedicated this first portion of land to Israel. The garden was to be a firstfruit to the Lord, but also reflective of what God Himself had done on the earth by first building a garden before anything else.

The Israel Garden is built on two acres of land, with a portion dedicated to each of the 12 tribes of Israel. It is beautifully manicured and cared for. On the other side of the Israel garden is the Gentile field, which together represent the one new man. To get there, you have to go through the gate where the cross is; hallelujah! In addition, many of the plants grown there are similar to the ones grown in Israel, except the olive tree, which cannot stand the Texas winter. Pam Pierce has researched many of the plants grown around each tribe of Israel, and they are comparable to the ones grown there.

Gardening authorities have also latched onto the Israel Garden as a model, and they use it weekly for teaching purposes. But its main focus is to impart back to our church family the revelation that makes us more aware of our true identity and proper connection to Israel, especially now since the firstborn are once again awakening spiritually. The prosperity that exists in this garden is meant to portray the prosperity and full blessing that we can have through Israel and Abraham’s covenants now that we are grafted into her in the one new man.

In my mind, it is a beautiful end-time picture to help restore us to what was, in order for the greater glory and power to come upon us. Now that Israel is being rebirthed, this is a new day when we may fully reconnect to one another in God’s family between His first-born children (the remnant of Israel, Jewish believers in Yeshua; see Rom.11:1-6) and His children from the nations that the fullness of joy and the glory of God whom Yeshua/Jesus focused upon in John 17 would be released. The Father’s connection to Yeshua/Jesus, Yeshua’s connection to the Father and Yeshua’s connection to us, our connection to Him, our connection to one another as Jewish and Gentile children (see John 17:6-19 prayer for Jewish children and then verses 20-21, prayer for children from the nations and their unity with each other, which is foundational to this unity, especially now as Israel is being restored. I can see this in the Spirit, and it shall come to pass to all those who will receive it.

The garden is used for prayer first before anything else. Since its inception, it has become one of the must-see gardens in Texas, and it can be visited year-round. It is not only a must-see, but more importantly, a must-experience!

It was marvelous walking through the garden, and I could have stayed there the whole day, just soaking in the presence of the Holy Spirit. What was really interesting is that apostle Chuck said once the garden was built, he started to get a deeper download and connection to the actual land and people of Israel, which I often refer to now in my writings, as the “The Front Lines” of the church; especially now, as Israel begins to awaken spiritually and all that means to the kingdom of God during these days. In this light, Chuck has started a new work in the land with his son and daughter-in-law, Daniel and Amber, who are now overseeing this One New Man facility in Jerusalem.

Not only does apostle Chuck have a deep love and respect for the Jewish people and especially the remnant of Israel (Jewish believers), but in light of his prophetic gifting, he has been getting some very keen and fresh insights from the Holy Spirit about our reconnection to our Jewish roots and family, and all that it now means to us in the new covenant. I can personally relate to this myself, as a Messianic leader who is very much focused on our unity in the one new man in The Holy Spirit, between Jew and Gentile, in wanting to connect God’s timetable and feasts in a more spiritual manner and all that it means to us now in the New Covenant through Yeshua/Jesus. There is just so much for us to rediscover as the fullness of this revelation gets unveiled to us during these days, it is all very exciting!

Apostle Chuck shares a great deal of these insights in two of his newest books, A Time to Prosper and A Time to Advance, which has also been written by Robert Heidler, who is an apostolic teacher on the Glory of Zion Team. Robert Heidler has also co-authored Messianic Church Arising and Apostolic Church Arising with apostle Chuck. Furthermore, Robert has taught a wonderful course on this subject for their Issachar School, which can be acquired on the Glory of Zion website. I would also highly recommend these teachings for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of how the church broke away from its Jewish roots and apostolic foundations and how God is now restoring us to them.

There is no question in my mind that both apostles Chuck and Robert Heidler and the whole Glory of Zion body are forerunners for the body of Messiah/Christ in this most vital area of our understanding in the reconnection of the one new man.

Can we please keep them in prayer, as they are helping the body of Messiah/Christ rediscover the foundations of the church? This is now vital to the final restoration of the church and the plans God has for us to restore His family to Himself to win the balance of both Jewish and Gentile souls in the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Earth. {eoa}

Author/speaker Grant Berry founder of Reconnecting Ministries and Messiah’s House Messianic Center trumpets his new book, Romans 911—Time to Sound The Alarm! Grant is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and is promoting a new message into the body of Messiah/Christ during these last days, known as “The Reconnection.” This is a new term used to describe the reuniting and full restoration of Jewish and Gentile believers into John 17 unity into the one new man now that Israel’s awakening is upon us. This spiritual transaction has been unseen during most of the church age, but is now most vital for the church to move into for God’s end-time plans. It is a power key to the last great revival and final outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Earth. For more information and a special offer on Romans 911, please visit For more info on Reconnecting Ministries please click here to watch one of the introductory videos (3 minutes).

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