Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Prophecies Confirm Historic Vision to Take Place in November

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Editor’s note: This is part 2 in a 2-part series. Click here to read part 1.

“Knowing that Billy Graham’s real influence on America began in a tent in California … and has continued to fuel a worldwide soul-winning organization encourages us to believe it can happen again in America,” Leslie McNulty says.

“We appreciate the knowledge of those prophecies as confirming what we have put our hands to,” Kevin McNulty says.

The couple are co-founders and lead evangelists at Christian Adventures International (CAI).

The Vision: Ministry in Tents All Over America

CAI leaders have set the goal high for America: 50 tents, 50 teams, 50 states. Undaunted by the mammoth tasks ahead, the McNultys report that, to date, recruitment nationwide for volunteers has been spectacular.

“We are recruiting representatives from all 50 states,” Leslie says. “We have several states that have verbally committed, in Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Mexico, Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota and Arizona.”

Initially, recruitment efforts draw volunteers from American congregations for ministers and evangelists to start the tent ministries in their states, Kevin says.

“There are a number of skill sets necessary for success that can be developed,” he says. “In your team, there must be strong hands. For obtaining necessary permits to erect a tent this size, there must be a mature leader who can understand local laws, and, of course, a preacher.”

The recruitment invitations are being extended to gospel workers comprised of believers, Bible school students, Sunday school and home group leaders. These leaders will form the teams in each of the 50 states. Ushers, volunteers, logistics managers and practical ministry helpers are needed, the McNultys say.

“Administrative team leaders and state coordinators are being recruited in order to facilitate the ministry outreach and team development for each area,” Leslie says. “These leaders should have strong administrative leadership skills. Recommendations from ministry and business leaders along with documented experience will be necessary.”

The “50 tents in 50 states” strategy does not mean just one tent in one state after the campaign catches fire, they say.

“Some of the states like Michigan and Illinois are ready to act now,” Kevin says. “A state like Florida where warmer weather is more frequent can provide an environment where tent ministry can operate year-round. We anticipate training tents going up all year in Florida.”

November Event in Florida Will Be the Test for Expansion

CAI leaders acknowledge that the November event in Daytona Beach will be a test for deciding when and where to launch in more states.

“We are willing to call this a ‘soft’ launch,” Leslie says. “In other words, if 10 to 15 states are participating in Florida in November, we believe that is a strong indication we should move forward. We will look to stage another training in 2019, possibly in another region of the USA, where we will set up a large tent.”

That does not mean the campaign won’t do another event in Daytona Beach, she says. They also anticipate that at minimum, volunteers from 25 of the 50 states will attend the November launch. CAI team members from Russian and the Baltics will also be there. Tent ministers will come from across Russia, from Moscow to the Evenki tribe area of Buryatia in the Far East to the Southern area known as “the land between the seas” (Black Sea and Caspian Sea), Leslie McNulty says.

The Russians will come in once the Russian authorities and US State Department grant the necessary visas. Despite the recent expulsion of diplomats from Russia and America from the respective homelands over political squabbles, the McNultys have several team members scheduled for interviews for visa applications. “We are praying for successful visas,” Leslie says.

Also, the McNultys’ decades of experience living and working in the former Soviet Union have taught them wise ways to avoid problems from existing political frictions between the West and former Soviet Union territorial governments.

“We have spent 25 years working in an environment where the US and Russian governments have been negotiating political influence on the world scene,” Leslie says.

“We always remind ourselves that our goal is to lift up Christ,” she continues. “We esteem each other. Many years ago when we first entered Russia, the Russian people would say, ‘We never hated you Americans. We didn’t know you. This was just a political game our countries played.'”

The CAI teams simply stay out of the politics and work in the spiritual realm of seeking God’s anointing to teach and preach the gospel and train others to do so within the laws of each location where they are working. A good example of CAI’s success to avoid political problems with this strategy is how their teams have been able to work in both the Ukraine and Russian regions nearby, where border conflicts have occasionally been heated.

“When Russia and the Ukraine entered into a conflict over the Crimea and Donbass region, it became very clear that in order to work on both sides of the border, we must stay above the political discussion,” Leslie McNulty says. “We have done our best to share this with our team leaders, and to encourage them to communicate God’s Love.”

In America, where political division from the left and right have reached historic levels of angst and sometimes violent reactions, the same strategy will apply to tent teams in their geographical locations, the McNultys say.

The campaign to reach America with the gospel is spiritual, not political, and although CAI is based on a charismatic doctrine, they stress the tent ministries are always open to participants from every denomination: Protestant, Catholic or otherwise.

“Our meetings and our preaching are trans-denominational,” Leslie says. “All pastors and churches are welcome to be involved and we hope that this would be the case in every area.”

“We do not come preaching against anything or anyone! We come in the Spirit of Christ lifting all to hear a message of hope, love and healing through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ,” she says.

What Will Transpire at the November Launch in Daytona?

The heartbeat of the entire campaign will culminate with the CAI vision for evangelizing the USA literally from the ground up, as an experienced tent team will raise the giant structure as it has a thousand times already all across Russia, Eurasia, French Africa and now in Europe. Americans will get their first look at Russian born-again Christians and their passion for Christian evangelism and ministry in the country that brought them the gospel.

At the November event, Russian music leader and virtuoso violinist Olga Kozorez will equip American musicians with an understanding of how to use music to preach the gospel. Egvenny Gurinovich will provide an emphasis on street evangelism.

International Director Akop Mkrtrumyan will provide insights into working with governments, pastoral councils and administrative teams. Kirill Kozores will provide insights into what is required technically to facilitate a tent ministry. And Johannes Kudrin will emphasize team ministry and community outreach.

  • Voice of Life conference: This is conducted for church and ministry leaders, believers, Gospel workers, Sunday school leaders, Bible school students and youth will take place over 2-3 days. Our sessions focus on How Believers Continue the Ministry that Christ began with teachings on the Voices of the Harvest, the Voice of Redemption, the Voice of Miracles and LIVE Messages, discovering our legality, inspiration, validity and experience.
  • A city-wide believers meeting: During this one-night event, we release the believers into the major role of inviting the population of the city and villages to these extraordinary meetings. These meetings are an integral part of preparation for the outreach. Leslie says, “We do not rely on the dollar value of advertising for the success of the event but on the personal invitations of believers.”
  • The iMove daily tent training: Gospel workers will participate in the tent event through prayer, training, tent-set up, street evangelism and daily application of principles in a team environment within the Big tent. The McNultys developed the iMove program specifically to provide motivation, opportunity, vision and empowerment to help fulfill the desire of the hearts of believers to help hurting humanity, share their faith, release their God-given destiny and develop the character in them that is required to be a solution to society’s problems in this generation.
  • Big Tent Festival: This is the time we take our Christian witness public. Our purpose is to give proof of the biblical truths that we have taught during the conference and training, and to publicly demonstrate that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Big Tent Festival is a full cultural program of music, drama and poetry.

Each night the people are offered the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and mass prayers for the sick are given. Kevin says, “Testimonies are a vital part of our meetings each evening. In conducting altar calls and public prayers, we seek a venue that allows us to communicate freely and affords us the opportunity to connect the new believers with the local church community.”

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