Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Anointing Breaks Through Backed by 200 Years of Prophetic Words

Editor’s Note: This is part 1 in a 2-part series. Click here to read part 2.

Since 1998, Christian Adventures International (CAI) has been training Russians, African, Europeansand Eurasians to be tent ministers and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their homelands. On the strength of their anointed success and backed by 200 years of prophetic words concerning America, CAI is now focusing their mission of evangelism on the United States.

While most of America today is beleaguered with cable news saturation painting the Russians as meddlers in US elections and hackers of political parties here, Americans will soon find out that many Russians are born-again believers who are well equipped to preach the gospel and minister as Jesus Himself taught.

Yes—the Russians are coming! But they’re coming with the love of Jesus Christ and a passion for winning souls, healing the sick and reigniting the faith of spiritually faltering believers. The Russians will partner with their American friends to help them expand Christian outreach, build new churches and support Americans in their quest to guide the nation back to the Christian foundation on which it was built.

The U.S. campaign, entitled “Tent Nation,” is scheduled to launch in Daytona Beach from Nov. 9-18 (see CAI and its partners of local churches and volunteers from across the nation will make Florida the launch site of the national campaign to preach the gospel and minister in all 50 states.

Drs. Kevin and Leslie McNulty, co-founders and lead evangelists who together have been training leaders since 1988, began “The 100 Tent Project” in 1998 to train Russians and other citizens in the former Soviet Union to use large event-capacity tents to take the gospel across their homelands to unreached areas.

In the US, they will use the same tent-meeting strategy that has been extremely successful in Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, Armenia, Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Bashkortostan and many other locations.

The McNultys call Daytona Beach home, but have spent much of their lives leading CAI campaigns overseas, including a key ministry base outside of Moscow. They are celebrating 30 years of marriage as well.

The 10-day event in November also will celebrate CAI’s Moscow tent factory completion of its 100th tent. Sixty of those tents are 3,000 square feet in size and can seat 300 to 350 people. The 100th tent will be erected and dedicated in Daytona Beach, where it will be used for children’s outreach. A larger circus-sized tent will be procured in the US to use for main events.

Local churches in Florida and from around the U.S. will be invited to send members for training by CAI ministers—many of them from Russia—to learn how to use the tent meetings across the state. The tent strategy for a decade has enabled home-grown evangelists to reach vast regions of towns and villages with events staged in the culturally familiar tents.

Today, CAI teams abroad have staged some 1,000 tent raisings and ministry campaigns in 22 nations. The McNultys’ work also has helped to spawn a large alliance of Russian churches under the leadership of Bishop Sergei Rikhovsky.

Prophecy: Now It’s America’s Turn

CAI’s leaders have of recent followed a calling to move into Western Europe, specifically—Belgium, France and Spain. Mass outreach campaigns conducted by the McNultys with Dr. T. L. Osborn across French Africa have mobilized African preachers to Europe. The combination of CAI’s tent ministers along with the African leaders have positioned the ministry for strategic European impact.

Osborn, the late American evangelist, was a key mentor to the McNultys. Always hovering in the future for CAI was America: The prophecies have always revealed that a campaign for America lurked somewhere on the ministry’s horizon.

CAI’s leaders now believe that time has come! The November launch in Florida—with its sights on all 50 U.S. states—is a bold move largely bolstered by a recent prophecy by a key Estonian evangelist in their own camp; a prior word by Dr. Osborn; a word of calling for evangelism in the US from Ann Graham Lotz and Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s daughter and son, at Rev. Graham’s homegoing celebration and a pair of hair-raising historic prophecies from the late 1800s and early 1900s concerning Russia and the US.

There were other words given to the McNultys—some in passing by Oral Roberts and Kenneth Copeland concerning tent campaigns (“The tent anointing is back, big time,” exclaimed Copeland)—and some directly to them individually.

“When T.L. Osborn spoke in Russia for the first time in 1995, as I was listening to him speak, I heard the sound of an army that arose in lockstep and moved into action,” Leslie McNulty said. “I also heard the Lord say, ‘Will you?’ I said yes…”

Then in January 2016 while attending a U.S. ministers conference, she had a similar encounter. The speaker was telling of his hippie lifestyle and conversion to Christ in the Californian Jesus Movement.

“As he shared his story, I heard that lockstep sound in the Spirit again, the sound of the harvest, the heart cry for workers and evangelism, and I heard these words: ‘Another Jesus Movement is coming to America, and it is not like anything America has ever experienced,’ ” Leslie McNulty said.

“But I also heard the Lord say ‘The church is not ready for the generation that is coming in. It is a generation without identity, and the church is not ready to receive them…’ I doubled over with my head in my lap, contemplating what this meant, crying, listening, knowing that America was approaching its finest hour of Gospel Harvest!”

Also in 2016, the McNultys received a significant sign from a key evangelist from their team, concerning America, confirming their decision to move forward here.

As they contemplated the launch date of the U.S. campaign, they received a phone call from Estonian evangelist and missionary leader Joahannes Kudrin. Kudrin, who has served with the CAI tent ministry since the beginning, is a Russian-speaking Estonian. In the phone call, Kudrin specifically asked about starting a tent ministry in the U.S. Kudrin’s exact words were this: “I want to know what you think about initiating a tent movement in the USA?” Leslie McNulty said.

The McNultys were amazed at the timing—a confirmation—as they and their board of directors had just decided to begin work in the USA. “Evangelist Kudrin’s phone call was like a phone call from heaven,” Leslie McNulty said. Also, two very startling prophecies of major significance came from a British missionary and later, a Russian Orthodox priest, the McNultys noted.

Hudson Taylor, British missionary to China, had an amazing vision in 1889 of a great spiritual national awakening in Russia that will touch Europe before Christ’s Return. Taylor’s vision: “I saw in this vision a war that encompasses the world. I saw this war recess, and then start again (World Wars I & II). After this I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places Spiritual Awakenings.”

Hudson’s vision continued: “In Russia I saw there will come a general, all encompassing, national spiritual awakening, so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw the Awakening spread to many European countries. Then I saw an all-out awakening, followed by the Second Coming of Christ.”

Then in 1911, a Russian Orthodox Priest Aristocoli in the Kremlin told a Carmelite nun who became Mother Barbess of the Russian Church of St. Mary Magdelene on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, another startling prophecy.

Aristicoli said, in part: “An evil will shortly take Russia and wherever this evil comes, rivers of blood will flow. (The 1917 Russian Communist Revolution). This evil will take the whole world and wherever it goes, rivers of blood will flow because of it. It is not the Russian soul, but an imposition on the Russian soul. It is not an ideology, or a philosophy, but a spirit from hell.

“In the last days, Germany will be divided in two. France will just be nothing. Italy will be judged by natural disasters. Britain will lose her empire and all her colonies and will come to almost total ruin, but a female monarch will be on the throne and Britain will be saved by praying women.”

On America, Aristicoli said: “America will feed the world, but will finally collapse. Russia and China will destroy each other. Finally, Russia will be free, and from her, believers will go forth and turn many from the nations to God. The light over the whole world will be from Russia, who suffered more than anybody. Russia will be completely reborn!”

The McNultys have lived in Moscow and other parts of Russia, and clearly understand why the Russian people have a heart and desire for America to be reached with the Gospel.

“To truly understand, we must return to the year 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall,” Kevin McNulty said. “Then Americans sent thousands of missionaries to the ex-Soviet territories, planting churches, starting Bible schools, conducting mass outreaches and initiating TV programs,” he said. “The love that the Russian-speaking people felt from American missionaries was simply overwhelming. We were the answer to the prayers of their forefathers. We had come with the Good News!”

More recently at the Rev. Billy Graham’s homegoing celebration at his home in North Carolina, his daughter Anne Graham Lotz and son Franklin Graham both declared their father’s passing as a sign and call from the Lord for others to take up Dr. Graham’s mantle and begin carrying out the Great Commission in America—that America’s time had come.

The McNultys had visited Rev. Graham’s library before his passing, where they contemplated the worldwide ministry that Graham, too, had started with a tent ministry in the 1950s.

“The words from Anne Graham Lotz were like a shot across the bow—a sign from heaven to pay attention: This is the hour of America,” Leslie McNulty said.

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