Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

Rick Joyner Offers Prophetic Insight Into Chaos at US-Mexican Border

U.S.-Mexico border

What could the Second Law of Thermodynamics possibly have to do with the chaos on the U.S./Mexican border? It explains almost everything.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is also called “The Law of Entropy.” This deals with energy, but also the principle that everything in nature trends toward disorder not order, unless acted on by an outside, intelligent source. Basically this explains why your house, car, body and everything else will break down if not intelligently built and maintained. If you want to prove this law, just leave your yard alone one summer. Your nice carpet of grass will quickly turn into weeds and other brambles.

So what does this have to do with the border?

Any organization that does not have wise, intelligent, proactive management will trend toward chaos. This includes companies, governments, the military, schools, churches and ministries. If anything is just left to its own it will begin to disintegrate. Our national government is unraveling because of a lack of leadership and management. Most of the crises that are cascading down upon our country are the result of this vacuum.

Of course, biologists will likely be the last to admit this, but this law also proves that there was intelligent design. Everything in nature is moving toward disorder unless acted upon by intelligent design. Nowhere in nature has there been found anything moving toward order, which includes coming together in the incredible order required to compose a single living cell.

If someone is inclined to think we have this incredible order in nature, it is because the Holy Spirit moved upon the chaos as we are told in Genesis. Without Him moving as He did, we would still have a planet in chaos like the rest of the planets. The odds of anything in nature coming together in even a basic order by random chance is too great to compute, and the fact is there is not a single observed example of it.

Now back to the border. In Scripture, this is a very important issue, and to change or remove boundaries was a great offense. As Isaiah prophesied concerning the boast of the wicked King of Assyria in Isaiah 10:13: “By the strength of my hand I have done this, and by my wisdom, because I have understanding. I removed the boundaries of nations, I plundered their treasures” (NIV).

The intent of the removal of boundaries is almost always for the purpose of plundering the nation whose boundaries are violated. It is also the plundering of the treasures of America that are doing this to us and who are letting it be done.

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