Fri. Sep 6th, 2024

There is a war over our perspective right now, because where we allow our perspective to lead us is how we build our faith.

Specifically, we’re looking at the dangerous terrain of negativity and the enemy has three weapons in his hand that he is using to dismantle you: negative self-talk; gossip; and a lack of focus on what God is doing in our lives.

These things have always been traps, but right now, the enemy is trying to put us in situations where we are flirting with negativity. While it might seem harmless or even intriguing at first, it can lead to spiritual depression, anxiety or suspicion in our relationships. It’s a slippery slope, and the downward spiral can be swift and severe. Being sucked into a vortex of gossip or finding yourself obsessed with being ‘in the know’ about everything can very easily lead to a wipe out in this season.

Here’s what often happens: When we engage in gossip and when we feed our minds with negativity, we start suspecting that others might have the same motives towards us as the gossip we have heard. It’s like looking at the world through a distorted lens, causing unnecessary turmoil in our relationships and in our spirits.

But how do we recognize the warning signs that we are allowing this negative spiral to take over our lives? The first sign is a persistent sense of dissatisfaction, even when things are going relatively well. The second sign is a tendency to focus more on others’ faults and failures than their strengths and successes. And the third sign is a feeling of constant suspicion and distrust, even towards those who have shown us nothing but kindness and goodwill.

What does this negativity do to us spiritually and mentally? It creates a barrier between us and God, disrupting our peace and joy. It makes us spiritually myopic, causing us to lose sight of God’s goodness and provisions. Mentally, it triggers stress and anxiety, making it difficult for us to enjoy life and maintain healthy relationships.

But Jesus has a different way for us. He said, “To those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away” (Matt. 25:29). This may sound harsh at first, but it’s actually a profound principle about our perspective. It’s about how we see God, ourselves and the world around us.

Those who have an attitude of gratitude, those who focus on God’s goodness and blessings, they see more of it in their lives. They live in the assurance of Romans 8:28, that “God works all things together for good for those who love Him.” They see blessings even in problems because they know that their Father is in control and He will turn their trials into testimonies.

On the other hand, those who focus on what God is NOT doing, who constantly dwell on man’s failings or on what Satan is doing, they will always feel like everything is taken from them. When bad things happen, they anticipate more impending doom, missing out on the peace and assurance that God provides.

This is the season of the 10 spies. Let’s look at two contrasting attitudes in the Bible. First, we have the10 spies who Moses sent to explore the Promised Land (Numbers 13). They saw the challenges and focused on the problems, spreading a negative report that led to fear and rebellion among the Israelites. Then, there were Joshua and Caleb, two other spies who focused on God’s promises and His ability to give them the land. They chose to have a positive attitude, a faith-filled perspective and God honored their faith.

In the New Testament, we see the apostle Paul, who might have faced the most trials of any Christian. He said in Philippians 4:8, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Even in the most challenging circumstances, Paul chose gratitude over negativity, faith over fear.

I want to challenge us today. Are we allowing ourselves to be swept up in the waves of negativity, gossip, and conspiracy? Are we nurturing suspicions and fostering divisions rather than seeking unity and understanding? If so, it’s time for a change.

It’s time for us to ascend higher, to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things (Col. 3:2). Let’s make a conscious decision not to engage in gossip or anything that sows discord among us. Let’s refuse to entertain things that cause us to lose hope in what God can do in our world right now. Let’s be vigilant about what we allow into our minds and hearts because Proverbs 4:23 reminds us to “guard our hearts, for everything we do flows from it.”

I invite you to take a moment and reflect. Are you focusing on the right things? Are you nurturing an attitude of gratitude or fostering a spirit of negativity? Remember, what you focus on, you empower. Let’s choose to empower the goodness of God, the hope of His promises and the unity of His people.

I believe that as we do this, as we focus on God’s goodness and grace, we will experience a shift in our lives. We will find ourselves growing in faith and love, experiencing peace and joy and becoming more like Christ. We will be able to navigate the storms of life with courage and confidence, knowing that our Father is with us, guiding us, and working everything out for our good.

To find out more, listen to my full podcast on The Shawn Bolz Show with Shawn Bolz:

Shawn Bolz is a TV and podcast host, an author, producer and a Christian minister. He has been leading conversations in the church, entertainment industry and in social justice that have helped believers connect their faith to culture in a transformative way. Shawn’s deeply connected yet humorous style of speaking, media hosting & coaching through his unique expert perspective has brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEO’s, entertainers and world leaders.

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