Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Cindy Jacobs Invites You to Hear From the Most Powerful Prophets From Around the Globe

Some of the prophets attending the Global Prophetic Summit this year.

In just shy of a month, some of today’s most well-known prophets will gather in the Dallas, Texas, area to cry out to the Lord and discern what He’s saying for the upcoming season with the Global Prophetic Summit.

Cindy Jacobs spoke with Charisma about the life-changing summit, which will include prophetic voices like Bill Hamon, Lou Engle, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, Jennifer LeClaire and Will Ford.

Jacobs calls the Nov. 15-17 gathering a “historic, life-changing event.”

“This is not a conference,” Jacobs says. “It is an invitation to glean from a coalition of the most powerful prophets from many nations who will both minister personally as well as give the word of direction for this next new season.”

Click here to register.

Here’s what else she had to say:

Who is expected to attend?

Many hungry people from around the world are already buying their tickets. We are expecting God’s people from around 55 nations. The love and divine connections from last year’s summit were profound.

What were the results of the last prophetic summit?

This is the result of the word of the Lord to gather the prophets from across the earth. When we held the first summit, we didn’t know if we would ever do a second one. The event sold out, and we turned away people at the door.

Last year, we had nothing less than what could only be called extreme visitations from God where the Lord swept us up to His throne and the heavens opened. 700 people received a personal word of the Lord, and 200 came through the dream interpretation room.

Worship leaders from many different streams such as IHOP, Christ for the Nations, YWAM and Full Gospel came out last year. It was deep calling out to deep. This year we added more worship leaders than last year to increase the intensity of meeting with God and releasing the sounds of heaven.

How is the Lord preparing your heart for this?

The Lord has spoken to my heart that many around the world are wondering where they can be trained to hear God’s voice more keenly and love being in the move of God.

Saturated presence is the only way to describe the Global Prophetic Summit experience. Each of the speakers and the 16-plus workshops are given by people who are known international prophets. We have chosen a diverse group from nations across the world to speak to you.

The sessions will release God’s word for the upcoming year so you can know what God is saying.

What sort of prophecies are you already getting?

We are moving into what the prophets are calling a “higher season,” and you need to know how to navigate the new! Don’t miss out because you are not walking in the right understanding.

To register, go to Again, the dates are Nov. 15-17, 2018, in the Dallas, Texas area (specifically, Cedar Hill, Texas).

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