Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

7 Ways Prophetic Worship Leaders Serve the Church

In the middle of the worship set, the pastor turned to me and said, “Play me a river.”

I thought, I have no idea what that means. I knew how to play, so that’s what I did.

With nothing more than the faith of the pastor and the skill of my playing, I played “prophetically.” As I finished, I opened my eyes to see the pastor in tears as she said, “That’s exactly what I was hearing!”

That moment started my journey of close to 30 years now of serving the church as a prophetic worship leader—using all of my skills and knowledge to partner with pastors, prophets and apostles in the kingdom of God.

Consider these ways of serving as you follow the call of a prophetic worship leader.

Prophetic Worship Leaders Are Musical Partners

They partner with the prophets and apostles to create an atmosphere for prophecy. According to 2 Kings 3:15, Elisha called for a musician to play, so he could prophecy to the king who came to see him.

Prophetic Worship Leaders Are Responders

They respond musically to what God is saying and to what leaders are doing in a service. They adapt their song list to respond to the Holy Spirit or to leadership. (See 1 Chron. 25:3.)

Prophetic Worship Leaders Are Musical Warriors

Isaiah 30:32 and Psalm 144:1 tell us that our hands and fingers are weapons of war, and the enemy shall be beaten with the playing of tambourines and harps.

Prophetic Worship Leaders Are Flexible Servants

1 Chronicles 25:1 shows us that the musicians established by King David would prophesy at the order of the king. The point here is to be flexible and prophesy on the instruments by faith whenever we’re called upon.

Prophetic Worship Leaders Are Timely Messengers

They choose songs that declare the new day or season that God is releasing on the earth. Psalm 57:8 declares that the awakened instrument is used in the awakening of a new day. They also write songs by putting to music what the apostles and prophets are declaring.

Prophetic Worship Leaders Are Spontaneous Singers

Psalm 45:1 mentions that the tongue is the pen of a ready writer, and 1 Corinthians 14:5 says we will sing in the Spirit and with understanding. David had this revelation and would call on his musicians and singers to prophesy at his direction.

Prophetic Worship Leaders Are Singing Prophets

Zephaniah 3:17 shows us that God rejoices over us with singing. We can be the mouth of God to release a song over His church. We sing the word of the Lord.

I encourage prophetic worship leaders to fill your quivers with the Word, the Spirit and skill. In this way, you’ll be ready to draw your prophetic song arrows to serve the church with your gifts.

Listen to this episode of The Prophetic Worship Leader on Charisma Podcast Network for more on walking out your calling onto your platform. {eoa}

Dean Mitchum is the founder of Movement Writers School of Worship and the host of The Prophetic Worship Leader Podcast. Dean and Lisa Mitchum serve as the directors of Worship Ministries for Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International and as the worship pastors for apostles Tom and Jane Hamon of Vision Church at Christian International. Dean is the author of Apostolic Kingdom Praise and The Tabernacle of God. Dean and Lisa have written more than 100 worship songs and produced 17 worship albums. Dean is a powerful prophetic psalmist and apostolic teacher. Together they specialize in writing for the current moves of God, playing prophetically and leading worship that changes the atmosphere. They have been married 39 years and have five children and six grandchildren. They make their home near the beautiful emerald coast on the Florida panhandle.

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