In a recent video, Jenny Weaver shared a prophetic warning she has for those in ministry and the schemes of the devil the body of Christ needs to be praying against at this current time.
“I want to talk to you about something I saw,” Weaver says. “A minister killing spirit.”
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“There’s been something that has been unleashed…more so now than ever before in the history of the church. Something has been unleashed to specifically target, attack, kill off and take out ministers.”
Weaver says this attack is targeting ministries that are making great progress for the kingdom of God.
“The enemy has ramped up attacks to take the players out of the game,” she says.
Weaver points out that it is the enemy’s goal to see ministers go into bitterness and backslide so that he can take them out for the purpose of advancing the gospel.
“We have ministers that are being attacked. We have people who are questioning, ‘is it even worth it?'”
One of the things Weaver points out as a necessity for the body of Christ is that each of us must look toward the cross. Each individual Christian must first look to Jesus, not expecting their pastor to be their savior, but rather being completely secure and confident in who God is and what He can do through them, for them and inside of them. She also advises that Christians stay planted and rooted in a ministry instead of constantly moving from one to another.
While the trials and tribulations in 2024 were many, Weaver believes this can be a year for all of God’s children to experience breakthrough.
“As you go into 2025, go in the breakthrough anointing. Go in with everything that tried to kill you in 2024, it broke off of you now,” says Weaver. “Everything that tried to hold you back breaks. He [the enemy] is defeated by blood of the Lamb.”
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.