Is there more to our world than we see with our eyes? Another realm? Unseen forces transforming our world at this very moment?
Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is actually happening to our world right now, and what is yet to transpire?
Are we witnessing the unfolding of a war that began long before any of us came into the world, that involves each of us—a war in which we are each targeted? And did a 3,000-year-old mystery actually foretell the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year—and even the exact date?
A Prophetic Mystery
It was a Friday night. I was speaking at Beth Israel, the congregation I lead in Wayne, New Jersey. I was led to speak of a mystery that went back to Mount Sinai. According to the mystery, there would be an invasion of the nation of Israel—in the year 2023. The invasion would take Israel by surprise. The invasion would take place on the Jewish day of rest, the Sabbath. The invasion would also take place on a Hebrew holy day, on the sacred moedeem of God, as given in Leviticus 23. The invaders would strike the land in the month of October, specifically on the first Saturday of October of 2023.
The Coming to Pass
It would come to pass across the world the very next day, Oct. 7, 2023, with the invasion of Hamas into Israel, on the Sabbath day, on a Hebrew holy day from Leviticus, and on the first Saturday of October, 2023. Behind the event that shocked the world was an ancient mystery going back to the sands of Mesopotamia, the tent of Abraham and beyond, even to the dawn of creation. It would lead to my newest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.” It contains the mystery that may enable us to know future events and when exactly they will take place.
The First Book I’ve Ever Written That …
… I didn’t plan on writing. I was going to write the sequel to “The Return of the Gods.” And I know I am still to write that book. But I was interrupted. I was interrupted by the Lord’s leading that I had to write “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” The book is, in many ways, unique. It is the first book I’ve ever written that specifically opens up the mysteries of the “last days,” the “end of days.” It is also unique in that while I was writing it, what I was writing about kept coming true in the world forcing me to continually rewrite and update it! And lastly, it is unique in that I’ve never witnessed so much opposition, so much spiritual warfare, over a book I was writing, from the time I began writing it.
As I wrote about the dragon’s flood launched against Israel in the book of Revelation, a literal flood came against the building of my congregation, Beth Israel. And then another, and another. Then thieves broke in. Then all communications were cut off; bank accounts hacked into; phone lines dead and much more! But that’s all a good sign. If the enemy doesn’t want a book to come out, or a message or revelation to go forth—it means God all the more does!
The Dragon’s War
The dragon is a symbol of the enemy, the fallen and twisted angelic being that wars against the purposes of God. It appears in the vision of Revelation 12. Also appearing in the vision is a woman. The woman is a symbol of the nation of Israel, called into being to bring God’s purposes into the world, His Word, His ways, His Messiah and ultimately His kingdom. This is the revelation of the enemy’s war against the children of Israel. And so it’s no accident that the Jewish people are the most warred against, persecuted, vilified and hated people in world history. It’s not natural, it’s supernatural. Antisemitism does not begin with a man but with an angel. That’s why it never dies, but rises up in every age from generation to generation.
The Dark Resurrection
The Bible foretells that in the “last days” God will gather the Jewish people back to their homeland and resurrect the ancient nation of Israel. That resurrection will bring the war of the dragon against the Jewish people to a new level, and will bring the entire world against the nation of Israel.
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The enemy is a mimic. He imitates the works of God. Therefore, if God were to resurrect His ancient nation back into the modern world—would not the enemy seek to do likewise, to bring about his own resurrection, to resurrect an ancient people, an ancient enemy of Israel to war against the resurrected nation of Israel?
He would, and he already has. One of the mysteries revealed in “The Dragon’s Prophecy” is that what took place on Oct. 7 is part of the resurrection of an ancient people, ancient enemies of Israel. The resurrection involved exact names, exact places, exact strategies and exact events. Even the exact strip of land involved in the attack was identified in the Bible thousands of years before it happened.
The Role of Adolf Hitler in Recent Events
Another mystery in “The Dragon’s Prophecy” concerns the involvement of Adolf Hitler—in recent events! Though it may be hard to fathom, without Hitler, Oct. 7 would never have happened. Without Hitler, Hamas would never have been born. Hitler had put his associate Heinrich Himmler in charge of the Holocaust. Himmler was put in charge of the Nazi’s conquered peoples in the autumn of 1939 and thus in position to begin the Holocaust. The date was Oct. 7. The day on which Himmler, this murderer of countless Jewish lives, was born, was Oct. 7. Though it is hard to fathom, Hitler was also behind an event that hit even closer to home—9/11!
The Mystery of the Jubilee
The Jubilee was given to Israel as a time of restoration and joy. Every 50th year, on the Jubilee, if you were in bondage you would be set free. If you had lost your land, you would return to it. It is a mystery that the restoration of Israel, the return of the Jewish people to the land they had lost, took place according to the mystery of the Jubilee.
It all began in 1867 when the issuing of a decree that enabled the land of Israel to be repurchased by the Jewish people. Fifty years, one Jubilee, later, in 1917, came the issuing of the Balfour Declaration that promised the land of Israel as a refuge for the Jewish people. That same year, the four centuries of Ottoman Turkish rule over the land came to an end.
Fifty years later, in 1967, the next Jubilee came, the next restoration. In June of that year, the Six-Day War broke out. On the third day of that war, for the first time in 2,000 years, Jewish soldiers entered the gates of their holy city, and Jerusalem was restored to the Jewish people.

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But the world, America included, never gave Israel legal recognition over its possession of Jerusalem. But another 50 years later—one Jubilee after the Six-Day War—in 2017, came the Jerusalem Declaration, as President Trump became the first world leader to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel since ancient times!
The Devil’s Jubilee
But the enemy is a desecrator. He takes the holy things of God and seeks to invert and defile them. So, he made his own Jubilee. It began with a calamity. In 1973, Israel was invaded. The invasion took the nation by surprise, happening on a Sabbath day and its holiest of observances, Yom Kippur. It looked as if the nation would be destroyed. Miraculously, the war was turned around. But the trauma shook Israel to its core and never left it.
The Jubilean year of 1973 was 2023. And so it was ordained that another calamity would come upon Israel in 2023. The Yom Kippur War took place in October, so it was ordained that another calamity would come upon the land in October of 2023.
And so it did.
What happened on Oct. 7, 2023, would parallel what happened 50 years before. It involved several prophetic countdowns of days: one beginning six years before the event; the other beginning over 18,000 days before. Each countdown lands on one specific day—Oct. 7.
It was the devil’s jubilee. And the amazing thing is, after I finished “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” the mysteries revealed in the book continued to come true. Here again, the mysteries may enable us to know future events before they take place and exactly when they will happen.
The Many Mysteries
There are far too many mysteries in “The Dragon’s Prophecy” to reveal or even mention here, but a few prominent examples include:
The Secret on the Mount: How a mystery to be played out in the book of Revelation was actually behind the events of Oct. 7—and, yes, also behind 9/11!
The Raiders of Ezekiel: How, with the transpiring of recent events, we crossed a major line with regard to a prophecy given nearly 2,500 years ago, and that may foretell the next great prophetic event of our times.
The Colors of the Apocalypse: A mystery behind one of the most critical signs of our times and yet that begins with the unlocking of the seven seals in the book of Revelation.
The Black Sabbath: How the dragon’s fingerprints can be seen even in the timing of world events and how he can recognize his strategies in our own lives.
The End of Days: How the prophetic picture given in the Bible, from the beginning, concerning the end of days is actually happening now before our eyes.
The Sar Paras: An ancient entity spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures is actually at work, even now, moving nations and world events, before our eyes.
The Dragon’s Other War—You!
The dragon is waging war, not only against Israel but also against every believer in Messiah. That war will intensify in the end times. He wars as well against all who bear the image of God—everyone. He’s been waging war against you who are now reading this article. He has waged that war from the moment you were conceived. His mission is to keep you from God’s love, His will, His purposes and His calling on your life. The dragon is waging that war right now—can we identify his strategies? And can we overcome them?
We can!
The last part of “The Dragon’s Prophecy” is the revealing of secrets and keys for every follower of Messiah, to know how to overcome and to actually overcome. It centers on the dragon slayers!
I knew it was the Lord who interrupted me to make sure I would write this book. The events that followed have made me all the more sure that the message of “The Dragon’s Prophecy” is for now, it is for God’s people and is for all those in their lives who need to hear and know. Pray that God will powerfully use The Dragon’s Prophecy for His will, to reveal, to save, to set free and to empower. And please pray for me in view of the release of this book!
Until then, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Fight your good fight—and overcome the dragon!
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Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide stir with the release of his explosive first book, “The Harbinger,” which became an instant New York Times bestseller and brought him to national and international prominence. Every one of his books since then has become a New York Times bestseller, including “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” “The Book of Mysteries,” “The Paradigm,” “The Oracle,” “The Harbinger II,” “The Return of the Gods” and “The Josiah Manifesto.” He is known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import. He was named, along with Billy Graham, as one of the top 40 spiritual leaders of the last 40 years who radically changed our world. Called the prophetic voice of this generation, Cahn is a much-sought-after speaker and has been highlighted in the New York Times as well as in many national and international media. He has spoken at the United Nations, on Capitol Hill and to millions of people around the world. He leads Hope of the World, an international outreach of the Word, teachings and compassion projects for the needy around the world. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, made up of people of all backgrounds, just outside New York City, in Wayne, New Jersey. His newest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” is available on now.