Chuck Pierce Vision: States Lost Their Covenant With God

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Abby Trivett

Back in 2008, Chuck Pierce was caught up in a vision of what God showed him for every single state in America. Now, this vision has come full circle as God has laid the importance of the state of New Jersey on Pierce’s heart, and how it is critical for a spiritual revolution to rise in America.

“He showed me something else in every state. He showed me every state had iniquitous thrones within each state that would have to topple for the glory to arise in the state,” Pierce said.

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Pierce said that while he was in this heavenly realm, God not only showed him the iniquities of every single state, but he saw which ones were part of a covenant with the Lord and which ones were not.

“There were 21 states in covenant with Him, two were hanging in the balance, and the rest were not in covenant with Him,” Pierce said. “And He began to tell me the importance of a covenant nation aligned with Him, but how far we had drifted from being the overall covenant nation. An ideal covenant nation that I believe was intended to form when we first formed what is known as America and went to war.”

Some of the states Pierce says are critical to the foundation of our nation staying in good graces with the Lord include Texas, Florida and South Carolina. Pierce says these states play a giant role in America being where it should be for the year 2026. Now, we are in the moment to intercede on behalf of New Jersey.

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“They have a tremendous apostolic covering for the sphere we represent,” Pierce said of New Jersey. “From New Jersey I believe a nation has been greatly affected. Now, New Jersey is called the crossroads of the revolution. I really believe that is still the call on New Jersey.”

Pierce says New Jersey’s historical role in America’s formation is not only vital to the past, but that God will use it as America moves forward. He says we should pray for the “warrior” anointing to be present over this state.

During this present time, let us pray for the future of New Jersey and of our nation as a whole that God’s Holy Spirit would shine forth across America.

You can watch Chuck Pierce’s prophetic word here.

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Abby Trivett is a content development editor for Charisma Media.

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