January-February 2023

  • Crazy for God

    Crazy for God

    Pogo, a once-famous cartoon character, issued the famous and still-appropriate quote: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Truer words could not be spoken about the church and Christians today, and the fact that we are the root cause of all of America’s problems. It’s true! It’s easy to point fingers in (self-)

  • Prospering in an Uncertain Economy

    Prospering in an Uncertain Economy

    Prosperity starts with who you have, not what you have. But how do you prosper in uncertain times? Building your financial house on timeless biblical truths and proven financial principles can help you succeed in the midst of financial storms. I know there has been bad teaching in the church on finances in the past,

  • Believing God for Miracles

    Believing God for Miracles

    Do you believe in miracles? I mean the kind only God can provide. If you are like most people, I’m sure you would answer yes. So many of us have experienced those difficult situations when we cry out to God in the middle of the night: “Oh Lord, I need Your help! Oh God, where

  • Seeing in the Spirit in Every Aspect of Life

    Seeing in the Spirit in Every Aspect of Life

    For the first few years of my life, I didn’t know I was seeing in the spirit. I also didn’t realize I would spend a lifetime growing in this gift—or how God would use it to reveal Himself, opening the spiritual realm in supernatural power. I saw angels every day, but they fit so well

  • Seeing Jesus as He Is

    Seeing Jesus as He Is

    Nothing transforms the human heart like the revelation of the person of Jesus Christ. But the church of today has been ignoring that life-changing revelation. Many years ago, I was riding on our church bus, helping return children to their parents who allowed us to take them to children’s church. One particular 5-year-old boy was

  • Real Hope for the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Epidemic

    Real Hope for the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Epidemic

    For many of us, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia strike close to home. If that is your current reality, there is something you need to know. It is this: Alzheimer’s and dementia are not the end of the road. I tell that to patients almost every single day. They come in with worry and fear written across

  • The Healing Power of Grief

    The Healing Power of Grief

    Beni, my wife of 49 years, died on July 13 of last year. She was the love of my life. We started dating when she was 16 and I was 19. We married two years later. I am a better person in every way because she was in my life. Together we have three children

  • The Gospel Must Be Our First Priority

    The Gospel Must Be Our First Priority

    I was 20 years old, preaching in a small church. The passion for winning the lost consumed me. Night after night, I left that little church, devastated that no one was getting saved. I could not stand it any longer. The lack of souls was wrecking me emotionally and making me physically sick. Then I

  • Set Free from the Gender Deception

    Set Free from the Gender Deception

    People have often called my story a miracle, but that word only scratches the surface of the supernatural work Jesus has done in my life. For years, I rejected Christ and ran away from the faith as fast and hard as I could. I told God I would never serve Him again. I hated Him,

  • Help, Wisdom & Strength for You Right Now

    Help, Wisdom & Strength for You Right Now

    I began attending church as a youngster. Gung ho and willing to tackle the mountain, I was barely into double-digit years before I was reading my Bible, memorizing Scriptures and doing my dead-level best to obey every command I heard from the pulpit. I hoisted the backpack of good Christian living and set out to

  • Releasing a Roar in 2023

    Releasing a Roar in 2023

    As we enter the new year of 2023, we must remember the power and purpose God has given each one of us to impact the earth today for His kingdom. He has given us all we need as children of the inheritance to step into His glorious power and bring change to the earth in

  • Why the ‘Red Wave Failure’ Isn’t a Failure for True Christians

    Why the ‘Red Wave Failure’ Isn’t a Failure for True Christians

    It’s no secret we live in an upside-down world where evil is now called good and good is called evil. While many of us believe God raised up America as a shining city on a hill, let’s face it: The United States is more and more evil and deserves to be judged. History is full

  • Don’t ‘Deconstruct’ Your Faith

    Don’t ‘Deconstruct’ Your Faith

    We live in a time of spiritual upheaval, and the shaking has triggered a trend among some Christians known as “deconstruction.” You may not have heard the term, but people are questioning everything—the church, spiritual leaders, traditional morality and core doctrines of Christian faith. Deconstruction made headlines in 2021 when Kevin Max, a member of

  • Free to Be the Person God Created You to Be

    Free to Be the Person God Created You to Be

    It seems we have an epidemic of insecure people in our society today. People have an identity crisis because they don’t know who they are. They try to find their identity in who they know, their position at work, their academic degrees, what they own, the clothes they wear…and the list goes on. Insecurity involves

  • In the New Year, Will We Live Like Jesus?  (November 1987)

    In the New Year, Will We Live Like Jesus? (November 1987)

    Clarence Jordan was the first and probably only man I’ve ever heard speak who, had he pointed his finger at me and said, “Lay down your nets and follow me,“ I would have followed. Maybe that’s because he was one of the few men I’ve ever met who knew exactly where he was going. The

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