Mario Murillo

  • Murillo: Trump Will Need an Even Greater Miracle Now

    Murillo: Trump Will Need an Even Greater Miracle Now

    Former President Trump will need an even greater miracle now. His greatest threat will not be the new candidate. Democrats do not even have a viable candidate. So what is the real danger? The fury of the Left. Remember what happened in France? The conservatives won a huge victory, but the Left stole it back.

  • Why We Must Change the Way We Pray for America

    Why We Must Change the Way We Pray for America

    I am asking you to change the way you pray for America. But first, let me ask you this question: how is it possible for Biden to desecrate Easter so blatantly with little or no backlash from America let alone the church? I wanted to wait until after Easter before telling you what is really

  • The Power of This Single Question Drove the Magi to Bethlehem

    The Power of This Single Question Drove the Magi to Bethlehem

    It was the power of a single question that drove them to Bethlehem. That single question is the burning question of our time. It is the question that will decide the fate of our nation. No, they did not doubt that Jesus was the Messiah. That was not the question. It was something else entirely.

  • Mario Murillo: Why Would Christians Vote for Abortion?

    Mario Murillo: Why Would Christians Vote for Abortion?

    Many believers are still shocked and dismayed. Why did abortion score so many election victories? The answer is clear. Christians voted for abortion. These laws could not have passed without their vote. Why would anyone who claims to follow Jesus vote to kill babies? And make no mistake: That is exactly what they did. A

  • What Should Both Israel and America Really Do About Hamas?

    What Should Both Israel and America Really Do About Hamas?

    What should Israel do? And what should America do? First, Israel: The world is wondering what Israel should do. Most of the advice they are getting is ignorant noise. Some are calling for Israel to use restraint. Rights groups that are trying to pin war crimes on Israel are glaringly silent about the babies that

  • Mario Murillo Ministries Makes All-Out Assault on Satan and Our Woke Culture

    Mario Murillo Ministries Makes All-Out Assault on Satan and Our Woke Culture

    This is supposed to be the worst of times for mass soul winning in America. Experts armed with statistics paint a dire picture. They label the gospel hate speech, and they say, “No one wants to hear the gospel!” They also point to widespread abuse of signs and wonders, and say that miracles have fallen

  • A Nation Haunted by Sorrow Begs for the Gospel

    The ruling elite govern us in a way that tells us that they will never face another free election. Their policies pile grief upon grief—crushing the American spirit. Deep State arrogance and corruption has poisoned the American spirit with helplessness and despair. The Bible says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but

  • Mario Murillo: Unstoppable Holy Spirit Fire Spreading Over America

    Mario Murillo: Unstoppable Holy Spirit Fire Spreading Over America

    There is fire from the mountains! I probably should not tell you this, but 1,553 people squeezed into a sanctuary with only 750 seats. It may also be wise for me not to tell you what happened at Radiant Church, Sunday night. But I can’t help myself. I will do both. Yes indeed, everyone—by some

  • Why Are Mario Murillo’s Tent Meetings So Powerful?

    Why Are Mario Murillo’s Tent Meetings So Powerful?

    I asked God a simple question. That’s how it all started. Why are the tent meetings so effective? What started this explosive combination of fire, deliverance, miracles and mass conversions? Millions now know what happens inside our tent, but only God gets the glory! No man could have done this. God is the only reason

  • Mario Murillo: ‘A Spiritual Earthquake’ Is About to Rattle California

    Mario Murillo: ‘A Spiritual Earthquake’ Is About to Rattle California

    I am awestruck. Awestruck is the perfect word. It means that the news is so good that it leaves you weakened and takes your breath away. We see it when the Queen of Sheba visited Solomon. The Bible says, “And when the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that

  • ‘Give Me Jesus Right Now!’: Revivals Breaking Out in Bakersfield

    ‘Give Me Jesus Right Now!’: Revivals Breaking Out in Bakersfield

    In a world filled with sin lurking around every corner of society, one can miss the signs of light shining bright against the darkness. This very thing is happening in Bakersfield, California, with evangelist Mario Murillo inviting the presence of the Lord to change the heart of the city. His ministry has been reaping the

  • Mario Murillo: ‘What I Have Said About Kat Kerr and Robin Bullock Stands’

    Mario Murillo: ‘What I Have Said About Kat Kerr and Robin Bullock Stands’

    Perhaps you read my previous blog entitled “Mario, where have you been?” I went through a fiery ordeal before I obeyed God and wrote it. I thought, “Why should I wade into such controversy and incur the grief?” Over 95,000 people read it on our website, alone. Ninety seven percent of the comments agreed with

  • Mario Murillo: Why Am I So Adamant About These False Prophets?

    Mario Murillo: Why Am I So Adamant About These False Prophets?

    Read Time: 5 Minutes 8 Seconds I have been missing from certain television shows. People are asking why. They deserve an answer but I was not ready to go public until now. I still believe in these shows. And, I am deeply grateful for the strong support they have given to our tent crusades. But

  • Mario Murillo Explains Why ‘It’s Our Turn Now’

    Mario Murillo Explains Why ‘It’s Our Turn Now’

    Read Time: 3 Minutes, 27 Seconds A golden opportunity is churning amid America’s moral and physical disaster. The call from God is clear and strong: “Come and let Me make you fit to seize this golden opportunity.” The Spirit of God is telling us it is our turn now. Political, corporate, and media villains have

  • Mario Murillo Says This Is the Greatest Crisis Facing the Church Today

    Mario Murillo Says This Is the Greatest Crisis Facing the Church Today

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 42 Seconds “We are not creating vessels of God that matter.” That is what I said when they asked what I thought was the greatest crisis in the church. When vessels operate outside the power of God, nothing they do matters. Drawing a crowd does not matter. Having a large social

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