Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
Israeli soldier

November 2012 proved to be a humiliating spectacle for Israel.

All of Israel, not to mention the thousands of reservist soldiers amassed along the Gazan border, waited anxiously for the IDF ground offensive that would stop the Hamas rocket fire once and for all. But, an unexpected press conference was held at which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced their acceptance of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire arrangement before the ground operation had even begun. The streets of Gaza were filled with the haters of Israel celebrating the Israeli retreat with “victory candy” being handed out in the streets.

Two years later, there are hundreds of rockets being fired daily, now with a range that is reaching all major Israeli cities. With tensions again rising along the Gazan border in anticipation of an impending Israeli ground offensive, and with tens of thousands of our reservists being called up, the question must once again be asked of our political leadership: Will the job be done properly this time? 

By now, it should be clear to all that no Israeli offensive will be successful unless:

  • All arms-smuggling tunnels are completely destroyed.
  • Israel retakes the strategic Philadelphi Corridor, along the border with Egypt.
  • All bomb factories and warehouses are totally destroyed.
  • All Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Fatah weapons are confiscated.

While those are the minimal requirements for any Israeli offensive to be considered a victory, there are other goals that would certainly be advisable, such as:

1. Totally eliminate the Palestinian Authority as a political force that Israel foolishly accepts as a “peace partner.”

2. Confiscate all weapons in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem—including Islamic Jihad, Hamas and its unity government partner Fatah, as well.

3. Take full control of Gaza and reestablish the formerly thriving Jewish communities in place of the rocket launchers now occupying that sacred ground.

4. Launch a major public relations offensive, unapologetically explaining our justification for this offensive, followed by Israeli resolve to ignore those who refuse to accept our absolutely legitimate explanations.

Last but not least, we must all be united in prayer for the success of this operation. If we are strong and courageous and allow our soldiers to fight in the spirit of Joshua, the battle will be won. If not, the candy will again be distributed in the streets of Gaza as the missiles fall on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

David Rubin is former mayor of Shiloh, Israel. He is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund and the author of several books, including Peace for Peace and The Islamic Tsunami. He can be found at or at

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