Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Healed of what he calls “massive levels” of sexual brokenness, former Hollywood actor David Kyle Foster developed an overwhelming desire to teach others how to find freedom from this bondage.

Foster has no doubt that sexual brokenness is a demonic stronghold. Deeply involved in homosexuality, male prostitution and pornography early in life, Foster eventually discovered there was only one way out, only one way he could find freedom from a life that could have led to premature death and permanent damnation.

Radical transformation through Jesus not only saved Foster’s life, but it led to a hunger to share with others how to escape a life of depravity and torment that would lead to eternal separation from God.

Foster grew in his faith and founded Mastering Life Ministries (MLM), an organization that helps people crush sexual sin and brokenness through a close relationship with God the Father. MLM uses tools, including film, television, radio, seminars and publications, to communicate the truth of Jesus Christ.

“The main goal of everything we do in our ministry is to teach sexually broken people how God heals,” Foster says. “It is extremely important that people, especially in the body of Christ, know that there is healing from sexual brokenness.

“Most people find it difficult to leave a life of sexual bondage. The sexual drive is powerful. It is one of the more difficult strongholds of the enemy.”

Without a close, surrendered relationship with God, Foster says, freedom from sexual addiction isn’t likely.

“There are a lot of programs out there that are really good, but most of them deal with man-centered psychology,” Foster says. “A lot of them are good, and they are very helpful.

But many people put the cart before the horse.

“If you don’t develop this intimacy with the Father through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, all you’re going to end up with is a maintenance program,” Foster says. “But God is offering a transformation program. He offers hope, and we’re offering the hope of God through our ministry and through our podcasts. 

Foster’s Pure Passion Podcast is available on the Charisma Podcast Network. The show has featured well-known guests, including Steven Arterburn, Ruth Graham, Francis MacNutt, John Sandford, Kay Arthur, John Bevere and Jack Frost.

Led Into Sin

Foster’s sexual brokenness took root early in life. At around age 8, he says he was sexually abused. Although it is difficult to remember, he has little doubt that he suffered abuse.

“I had all the signs of it,” Foster told Steve Strang on an episode of The Strang Report podcast. “I had become sexually obsessive and suicidal during those formative years, and that’s generally a sign of sexual abuse.

“I ended up having an addiction to masturbation and then to pornography, and it just got worse and worse and worse over the years. I tried to take my life several times. I felt very unloved and unaffirmed by my father.”

By the time he made his way to Hollywood in the 1970s, Foster says his sexual addictions and brokenness had grown “out of control.” What made it worse, he says, is that heads of studios actively pursued him for “sexual purposes.” That led to his delving deeper into a perverse lifestyle.

But in 1980, Foster became disillusioned with the atmosphere in Hollywood.

“People there love you as long as your career is doing well,” he says. “But then they tend to forget you, and I just became empty. I was looking for love, something, that wasn’t really there.

“So I decided to go find Jesus. I got on a plane and flew to Israel, and Jesus just met me there and just radically saved me and transformed my life. When I flew back to Hollywood, God started from there. … I went to see a pastor. Back then, there were no books, no support groups for this type of thing. Ministry counselors didn’t have a clue what to do.

“So it was me and God every night—me kneeling by my bed and saying, ‘OK God, what do I do? I’m being tempted to do this, but I don’t understand this.’ I was kind of forced into developing an intimate relationship with God the Father, and that is the key to permanent transformation.”

Counseled by God

But escape from his previous life wasn’t easy. In prayer, he continually reminded God of his attraction to pornography and other sexual activities, and God instructed him as to how to purge these activities from his life.

“I told God that I couldn’t drive down Hollywood Boulevard without stopping in that porn store,” Foster says. “And He spoke right back to me, ‘Well then, don’t drive down Hollywood Boulevard.’ At first, it was so simple and rudimentary. Someone who is bound in sexuality can’t even see the simplest things.

“Another night I was complaining to God and told Him, ‘These things are tempting me horribly, and I’m not sure I can resist.’ He said to me, ‘Why don’t you simply name the demonic powers that still control you, according to what they’re tempting you to do, and cast them out in my name?’

“So, I thought, well, that’s a unique concept, but I did it, and it worked. Within a week, the power those temptations had over me was gone. The demons had left. For the first time, I was able to say no to them.”

Eventually, Foster went to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, where he received a master’s in divinity. Years later, he received his doctorate of ministry at Trinity School for Ministry and became an adjunct professor.

Foster also established Mastering Life Ministries and Pure Passion Media, a subsidiary of MLM. He is the producer and host of Pure Passion, a televised outreach program that equips the church to minister to those in sexual bondage and brokenness.

Shawn A. Akers is assistant online editor at Charisma Media.

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