Gift Guide January ’25

Resisting Potiphar’s Wife
Resisting Potiphar’s Wife is a guide for men seeking real victory over sexual temptations, offering practical, daily wisdom to live in mental and moral purity, and experience the freedom it brings. This valuable resource includes:
- Daily Biblical Truths: Powerful insights from God’s Word to help you stay focused each day on mental and moral purity.
- Answers and Support for Overcoming Pornography: Vital guidance for anyone struggling with the seduction and bondage of pornography.
- Wisdom and Encouragement for Men: Practical strength and insight for navigating the unique challenges men face in this area.
- Strategies to Avoid Temptation: Real-world advice for steering clear of pitfalls and staying strong.
- A Strong Stand Against Satan’s Lies: A direct, truth-filled counter-attack against temptations and deceptive lures.
“Get this book, it’s outstanding!”
—Larry Tomczak Best-Selling Author and Biblical/Cultural Commentator
This book offers 31 short, easy-to-read devotions designed to help men grow in character, purity, and spiritual maturity. Married men will find renewed faithfulness and strength in their covenant of marriage.

The Final Testament
A Warning from God to the Saved and Lost.
To the Lost: Receive Jesus Now.
To the Saved: Get Rid of Your “Traditions of Men”
Before the Soon Coming of Christ.
God’s Glory and the Exhortation is an astute and provocative point of view on the ways and follies of the modern church.
Brother Rene speaks God’s truth, refusing to bow to the weight of misguided tradition. His work is in line with the great but opposed prophets of the Old Testament as well as the hard-pressed apostles of the New. His writings bear the same weight of divine wisdom to both bless and course-correct the faithful few.
84% of book owners are giving a 5-star rating
on the content of the book.

MEV Personal Size Large Print Bible
by Charisma House
The Modern English Version (MEV) heralds a new day for Bibles with the most modern translation ever produced in the King James tradition, providing fresh clarity for Bible readers everywhere with an updated language that doesn’t compromise the truth of the original texts. With a highly readable twelve-point font, this large-print version of the MEV is perfect for Bible studies, church services, seminaries, Christian schools, individual study, daily reading, and more. As your readers study each book of the Bible, they will not only find a faithful representation of the original text, but they will also experience the improved Hebrew renderings added in 2024.

Dr. Colbert’s
Spiritual Health Zone
by Don Colbert, MD
Only love—the eternal, nourishing root of all wellness—can lead to optimal health. In his latest release, best-selling author Don Colbert, MD, reveals the key to living in divine health—walking in the empowering, cleansing, and strengthening love of God. While medical knowledge is incredibly valuable, Dr. Colbert argues that it alone can’t lead people to a place of optimum health in their bodies, minds, and emotions. From the first page, your readers will embark on a journey of discovering the true source of life and wellness, learning to live in harmony, peace, and divine health.

The Secrets to
Maintaining Your Deliverance
by Alexander Pagani
The kingdom of darkness is ever advancing. To defeat it, Christians must be equipped with heaven’s secrets for dealing with the toughest cases of demonic bondage. In Alexander Pagani’s book, The Secrets to Maintaining Your Deliverance, he shares a key he has learned through more than three hundred deliverance sessions—that demons hide in “rooms” in our souls and body parts. Written for those who need deliverance and those who are involved in deliverance ministry, this book will help your readers identify exactly where the enemy is working. It will show them how to go deep in their “house” and clean out areas of demonic oppression in their lives.

Prison Break
by Juan Martinez
A life with Christ is about unshackling your chains of bondage to embrace a life of freedom. Juan Martinez’s twenty-one-day devotional, Prison Break, encourages life change through practical steps such as challenging negative thinking patterns with positive affirmations and setting realistic goals. It also serves as a poignant reminder that freedom is possible and shows you that with the right mindset, you can overcome past mistakes, forgive others, be renewed by the transformation of your minds, and lead a fulfilling life. By reading this book, your readers will recognize the root causes of the psychological chains breaking them so they can reach greater personal growth.

by Jennifer LeClaire
How do you rejoice when you’re facing the greatest pain you’ve ever known? Jennifer LeClaire’s Vindicated displays the awe-inspiring power and glory of God, as He takes what the enemy uses for evil and turns it into good for our lives. From her personal experience facing a ten-year prison sentence, LeClaire knows what it means to be completely vindicated from false accusations. This book, however, isn’t just LeClaire’s life story; It’s an inspiring guide for your readers to place their future, hope, and trust in the One who makes mountains move!