Decades ago gospel singer Shirley Caesar penned a song that I believe characterizes the depth of a mother’s love—and God’s love for us. No Charge is a song about a young boy who charges his mom a fee every time he completes his chores or helps out around the house.
For mowing the lawn, $5
Taking out the trash, $1
Making his own bed, $1
“Playing” with his brother, 25 cents
The boy includes a few more chores to the list, adds it up, and hands his mother a bill for $14.75. Had that been my mother and me, she would have told me to sit down and be quiet—or else!
But the woman responds to her son the way I believe Jesus responds to us.
“For the nine months I carried you, growing inside me, no charge / For the nights I sat up with you, doctored you, prayed for you, no charge / For the time and the tears and the cost through the years, there is no charge … / For the nights filled with dread and the worries ahead, no charge / For advice and the knowledge and the cost of your college, no charge / … When you add it all up / The full cost of my love is no charge.”
The Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son (see John 3:16). The Son, in turn, gave His life for us and paid the price for sin. So be encouraged as you render selfless service to your family. Jesus is your role model, and He is pleased to know you are following in His footsteps.
Happy Mother’s Day!