Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Is there a secret in the Bible that reveals what’s happening in our world right now?

Is there more to this world than meets the eye? Is there another realm that’s transforming our lives at this very moment—an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world … and what is yet to come?

Are we all players in a mystery that began long before we were born, that has spanned the ages and has, in modern times, threatened the future of our planet?

It was to open these mysteries that I was led to write “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” which released Sept. 3.

It was not the book I planned to write. I was actually working on the sequel to “The Return of the Gods” when events exploded in the world and began seeing the very real connections between current events and ancient biblical prophecy—and a dramatic acceleration.

Some Tremendous News & Thanks From Jonathan Cahn

Could the most calamitous day in Israel’s history since the Holocaust, the most widespread explosion of antisemitism in world history and the events that have transpired in the world since be part of the outplaying of prophecies and mysteries given thousands of years ago?

“The Dragon’s Prophecy” is different from any other book I’ve ever written. It’s the first book in which I’ve been led to open up the realm of end-time prophecy, how world events are actually connected to visions given in the book of Revelation, prophecies given by the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel and even words written by Moses of the end of days. And there was something else. As I was writing the book, specifically the sections on end-time prophecy, what I was writing began happening in the world. It happened so much that I had to keep rewriting and updating the book. And after I finished the book, it kept happening.

It is perhaps icing on the cake that 2024 is right now the “Year of the Dragon,” not to mention the year of the “Mother of Dragon’s Comet.”

The Mystery That Foretold the Attack on Israel

One of the mysteries in “The Dragon’s Prophecy” foretold the invasion of Israel with chilling accuracy. I was led to speak of the mystery on a Friday Service at Beth Israel, the worship center I lead in Wayne, New Jersey. The mystery ordained that there would be an attack on Israel. It would take place in 2023. It would happen in the month of October. It would take Israel by surprise. It would happen on a Saturday, a Sabbath day when Israel was at rest. It would take place on an ancient Jewish holiday. It would lead to war. It was an ancient mystery, from Scripture, given 3,000 years ago—and yet it ordained that Israel would be attacked on the first Saturday of October of 2023. It actually goes back to Moses. It is one of the mysteries I open in the book that may enable us to know the events that are yet to come—and when exactly they will take place!

The Secret Realm

The fact that this mystery could ordained an event in the modern world that even the most sophisticated intelligence agencies failed to see coming tell us something. We are so used to looking at world events through the lens of modern rationalism that we miss the actual story. What if we were able to remove the veil and see another realm, one that is determining the great events of our time and even when they take place? That, in a nutshell, is the reason I wrote “The Dragon’s Prophecy.”

The Red Dragon’s War

For example, in the Bible’s last book, Revelation, a vision appears of a red dragon and a woman with a crown of 12 stars. The dragon represents the enemy, Satan. The woman represents the nation of Israel. In the vision, the dragon rages, wars against and persecutes the woman. The vision is foretelling a cosmic war—the forces of hell against the Jewish people, the nation of Israel. Going by the vision, what would we expect to happen?

We would expect that the Jewish people would become the most warred against, hated, attacked, persecuted and hated people on planet earth. That is exactly what has happened. We would expect that this hatred against them would not be rational or natural, it would be undying, raging, rising and morphing from generation to generation, age to age. And so, it has. What took place on Oct. 7, when Israel was invaded and its people massacred was not accident. It was part of an ancient, spiritual and calculated war.

What happened after Oct. 7, with the most widespread eruption of anti-Jewish hatred in world history—even in America—was likewise not an accident. Something ancient was at work. It was all foretold. It is all actually a precursor to what the Bible reveals is the final event of the “end of days.” And it is all connected to the dragon.

To order Jonathan Cahn’s newest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit Amazon.com.

The Mysteries Behind the Veil

When one takes away the veil on current events, what it reveals is amazing, if not startling:

  • Students of Bible prophecy know that the resurrection of Israel as a nation into the modern world was foretold by the prophecies of Scripture thousands of years before it happened. What if there was another resurrection—of another ancient people—a supernatural resurrection but not brought about by God? There is.
  • What if there was a mystery, a countdown of days—a countdown beginning on the first day of the Yom Kippur War—a countdown of over 18,000 days? And what if you followed it out and found out that it landed on and ordained the coming of a calamity on the morning of Oct. 7, 2023?—there is.
  • What if there was an ancient entity, identified in the Hebrew prophets, that existed to war against Israel—and what if it was at work behind the events of our times? What if it was connected to one specific nation, if it was leading and controlling that nation? And what if its activity could trigger a world war (and almost already did? There is—and it has.
  • What if behind the events of the past year beginning with Hamas invasion of Israel was actually—the Temple Mount and a spiritual battle that ultimately leads to the book of Revelation? What if behind the attack of 9/11 was also the Temple Mount and an end-time prophecy? There is.
  • What if the prophecy given by Ezekiel concerning a coming invasion on Israel as part of the signs of the “last days”—crossed two major milestones on the road to fulfillment in this past year—and the last few months? What if every major identifiable nation from Ezekiel’s prophecy actually played a part in what just happened to Israel? They did.

Are we near to the end of the age?

What about America?

And what about each of us? What do we need to know about what is coming? And what can we do?

Preparing for the Days to Come

The last part of the revelations in “The Dragon’s Prophecy” concern not only Israel, the world, believers, those who follow God—but also each one of us. For the war that is being waged concerns each of us individually, specifically and personally. Whether we know it or not, we are involved in a war—or rather, there is a war being waged against each of us. What are the tactics and strategies being used in that war? How do we recognize it? And how do we stand against it, fight and prevail—especially in light of the days that are coming?

I don’t believe it is an accident that “The Dragon’s Prophecy” was also unique in that I’ve never written a book that had so much warfare against it—as if there was a force seeking to stop it from being written and coming out. For the days ahead will be dramatic. And we need to be ready. All the more, I knew it had to be written, to reach all who need to know, that they would know, that they would be prepared and that they would prevail.

And it is for that reason I wrote “The Dragon’s Prophecy.”

Jonathan Cahn is the author of his just-released book “The Dragon’s Prophec,y” available wherever books are sold. He is the author of numerous New York Times best-selling books. He was named along with Billy Graham as one of the top 40 spiritual leaders who radically impacted our world. He has spoken at the United Nations and on Capitol Hill. His messages on the web (Jonathan Cahn Youtube) have received over 100 million views. He leads Hope of the World (hopeoftheworld.org), a compassion outreach to the world’s most needy and the Jerusalem Center/ Beth Israel, a worship center made up of all peoples, in Wayne, New Jersey.

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