Is it OK to be Gay and Christian?
Charismatic pastor Jim Swilley’s announcement
that he is gay opened the door wider for a subtle delusion. Don’t believe it.
Many people were shell-shocked last week when Atlanta
pastor Jim Swilley stood in front of his congregation, Church
in the Now in Conyers, Ga., and announced that he is gay. The 52-year-old
minister was abruptly removed from his position in the International Communion
of Charismatic Churches—a network in which he served as an overseer. Some of
Swilley’s members left his church, others stayed, and countless others are now
scratching their heads.
We Americans are lost in a
moral fog. Two major Protestant denominations (the Episcopal Church USA and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) have voted to ordain gay clergy.
Meanwhile, gayness is celebrated in our media, and anyone who refuses to bow to
this idol is painted as intolerant and homophobic.