Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

When a pastor steps into the pulpit, the expectation is that they will shepherd their flock with wisdom, grace and a foundation deeply rooted in Scripture.

Sadly, that’s not what happened at Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, this past Sunday. Instead of preaching the Gospel, Dr. Steve Caudle used his sermon as a platform to promote violence—a disturbing deviation from the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Caudle’s message, titled “The Violent Kingdom,” veered far from biblical truth. He not only criticized political figures and business leaders like Elon Musk, but he also went as far as to suggest that violence was not just justified, but necessary. “No one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary,” Caudle declared. “When Elon Musk forces his way into the United States Treasury and threatens to steal your personal information and your social security check, there is the possibility of violence.”

Let’s be clear—this is not how a biblically grounded pastor acts. The teachings of Jesus are unequivocal when it comes to violence. In Matthew 5:39, Jesus instructs, “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” Nowhere in the Gospels does Jesus call for physical violence against our fellow man, even against those who wrong us. Instead, He preached love, forgiveness and turning the other cheek—a message Dr. Caudle seems conveniently to have forgotten.

Even more alarming was Caudle’s attempt to justify his violent rhetoric by claiming that Jesus would have done the same. “Someone might say, Reverend, you shouldn’t be talking about violence, this is the Christian thing to do,” Caudle states. “I say, well, why not talk this way because Jesus did.” As reported by The Gateway Pundit, this blatant misrepresentation of Christ’s message is not just misguided—it’s dangerous.

This kind of rhetoric is indicative of a larger problem within some churches across the country—a lack of biblical foundation. When pastors stray from the teachings of Scripture and allow personal or political grievances to dictate their sermons, they become wolves in sheep’s clothing, leading their congregations astray. Christians across America must exercise biblical discernment to recognize and reject such false teachings.

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Elon Musk himself responded to Caudle’s inflammatory sermon, writing, “This tells me that he is trying to hide MASSIVE fraud.” While Musk’s response highlights the absurdity of Caudle’s claims, it also underscores the real-world consequences of such reckless speech.

Imagine if a conservative pastor had made similar calls for violence against a Democratic leader. The outcry would be immediate, and rightly so. Violence has no place in the pulpit, regardless of political affiliation. The message of Christ transcends politics, calling us to be peacemakers in a world rife with division.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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