Robin Parrish spins a speculative sci-fi tale in this futuristic thriller. Set in 2033, Offworld imagines four astronauts returning from Mars to a world abruptly purged of its population. With satellite images showing no human activity but an abnormally bright light in Houston, the team journeys from Kennedy Space Center to investigate.
En route they encounter Mae, a homeless girl somehow immune to the disappearance—and peril, such as floods from untended dams on the Mississippi.
The mission commander also recovers memories of a near-death experience on Mars that holds clues to the disappearance. Approaching Houston, they suspect someone or something impeding them.
As the story unfolds, Parrish puts off any explanation of the disappearance for so long that it may frustrate some readers. Also, the Christian subtext seems almost an afterthought. Still, Parrish’s knack for suspense makes Offworld an exciting read.
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