Wrestling Prayer

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C. Brian Smith


By Eric and Leslie Ludy | Harvest House Publishers | softcover | 256 pages | $13.99

The Ludys, a husband-and-wife team who operate a ministry called Set Apart Life, have penned a rallying cry to rouse a slumbering church. In Wrestling Prayer: A Passionate Communion With God, they inspire readers to live a Christ-infused life as spiritual warriors. To this end, the authors mine Old Testament stories well-known (Saul, David) and obscure (Jebus, Abishai), and share their own tribulation of miscarriage and joy of adopting a Korean child.

The Ludys impart helpful suggestions for flexing the spiritual muscle of prayer. They recommend, for instance, that believers keep a prayer journal and find stories that build faith. The authors draw deep from the wells of Christian role models: Amy Carmichael, Corrie ten Boom, E.M. Bounds, Andrew Murray and Leonard Ravenhill.

Careful readers will glean that true prayer is not a selfish plea for a blessing; rather, it is sacred communion with God. And “wrestling prayer” isn’t easy work. It requires discipline and sacrifice. The greatest enemy is oneself, and 21st-century pilgrims may be inspired to give up worldly distractions and pursuits after reading this book.

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