In the last few years, Americans have consumed faith-based films in growing numbers. While this trend has taken Hollywood by surprise, the heightened appeal of these films directly correlates with the surge of interest in faith across America. According to a recent study by Barna Group, 3 out of 4 American adults want to grow spiritually and believe in a spiritual or supernatural dimension. With Americans’ growing openness to spirituality comes a growing interest in Christian films that offer a deeper reflection on matters of faith, and a brand-new night at the movies is set to fulfill that interest in supernatural ways.
Two of 2023’s most popular Christian films from 2023 will be coming to theaters for one unprecedented evening of “Miracles at the Movies” through Fathom Events on April 23. Through a high-energy condensed format, firebrand pastors Greg Locke and Mike Signorelli have merged their groundbreaking documentaries, “Come Out In Jesus Name” and “The Domino Revival”—both among the top-grossing faith-based theatrical releases of 2023, with audience scores at Rotten Tomatoes of 95% and 99% respectively—into an unforgettable two-hour theatrical experience of ministry and healing.
“Miracles at the Movies: Locke + Signorelli” is infused with the passion and the power of both documentaries and an unprecedented prophetic word and activation from both pastors. Tickets are now on sale for the April 23 presentation.
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“I used to think that we were only called to speak the truth in the midst of controversy, but there is an even higher purpose,” Locke says. “There is a spiritual battle happening within the church, and God has brought us together for this moment for deliverance. In the face of such darkness, there is a great awakening happening right now, and I believe we are being called to bring this culture back to Jesus and cast out the enemy.”
Following a startling chain of events, Locke took a 180-degree turn from his mainstream religious traditions and led his church to the brink of revival. He and a diverse group of unconventional preachers then began to spark the most important awakening in church history through the most unlikely means: by casting out demons.
His powerful film, “Come Out In Jesus Name,” follows the beginnings of their epic journey from a small church in Tennessee to a global deliverance ministry exposing and fighting an unseen enemy that is destroying families and churches and paralyzing Christians with fear and bondage. Knowledge is power, and in “Come Out In Jesus Name,” Locke and the team show the church how to defeat the enemy by getting delivered and set free.
“We’ve officially reached a tipping point in this nation,” Signorelli says. “There’s a sinister evil, but it’s parading around as if it’s good, lurking in our local schools, libraries, shopping centers and even churches. There is an ancient evil spirit at work in our world today, and now it seems as if God’s people are being faced with a decision—do we bow in fear, or stand for truth? As the world grows darker, many will give into fear, but I see a holy remnant rising.”
Groundbreaking documentary “The Domino Revival” takes moviegoers on an extraordinary journey with online media sensation Signorelli and a group of revivalists during this pivotal period in America’s history. As society’s fascination with the supernatural intensifies, this film unveils the awe-inspiring power of Jesus Christ. Through compelling gospel preaching, documented miracles, triumph over despair and liberation from demons, “The Domino Revival” captures the essence of spiritual hunger and delivers a profound cinematic experience.
“Miracles at the Movies,” one miraculous evening combining the two stunning films, will take theaters by supernatural storm on April 23. Visit this link for information and tickets.
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For years, Baptist pastor Greg Locke believed deliverance ministry and supernatural signs and wonders were just hyped-up “charismaniac” nonsense. But then God removed his denominational lenses and showed him what the Bible actually says about the gifts of the Holy Spirit—and his life and ministry haven’t been the same. Find his latest book, “Cast It Out: The Call to Set People Free” at this link.