“I don’t know how you could hear my story and my testimony and not believe that there is a God.”
That’s how Cameron Cortman describes his miraculous, death-defying journey — a remarkable voyage of trust, survival, and true reliance in the face of life-altering storms.
Cortman, 24, said his family’s harrowing experience began when he was a 1-year-old and his parents were preparing to move to Virginia Beach, Virginia.
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But on the day of their move, something happened that would change the course of their lives.
“I got sick with an ear infection in the hustle and bustle of moving,” he told CBN News. “My mom took me to the doctor. She thought it was just a routine ear infection. I had been getting them a lot lately.”
But Cortman’s mom felt deep in her gut that something else was going on. In fact, after the doctor prescribed antibiotics, she paused to share something she experienced on the way to his office.
“[She said], ‘Actually, on the way over here, the Lord spoke to me and told me that something is seriously wrong and that we need to go to the hospital,’ which is just a wild thing to say to a doctor,” Cortman recounted. “But, thankfully … the doctor was a Christian and he said, ‘Who am I to really argue with the Lord? So we can send you to the hospital.’”
Despite the doctor feeling relatively unconcerned at the time, he knew Cortman’s mother was resolute that she had heard from God. So he complied and called an ambulance — a fortunate choice considering what happened next.
“They start to run pretty much every test imaginable, and they come back a few hours later and say, ‘We’re so sorry, 95% of your son’s blood cells are leukemia. He probably won’t make it through the night,’” Cortman said.
The shocking news, which upended the family’s lives, confirmed everything his mother had felt.
“As you can imagine, it’s just a mix of utter disbelief, and shock, and starting to grieve, and really just confusion of what to do,” Cortman said. “And I think you kind of immediately go into a mode of, ‘OK, let’s figure out next steps.’”
To read the full story, please visit our content partners at Faithwire.
Reprinted with permission from faithwire.com. Copyright © 2025 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.
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