Todd D. Hunter, founding pastor of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Orange County, Calif., shares his journey of despair in Giving Church Another Chance: Finding New Meaning in Spiritual Practices, which features a foreword by emerging church scholar Scot McKnight. The author’s background includes time spent at Vineyard, Calvary Chapel, emerging churches, house churches and more.
Through Hunter?s pilgrimage, he learned that “church is the place to engage in important spiritual practices that have nourished followers of Jesus for thousands of years.”
Giving Church Another Chance is in no way a tirade against the church. Rather, it is a call to re-engage spiritual practices and live in the way of Jesus. Simply put, Hunter writes for the disaffected believer: the de-churched and re-churched.
Readers of Richard Foster, Dallas Willard and Eugene Peterson will appreciate Hunter’s contribution to the way spiritual disciplines fit within the context of communities and bodies of believers. Amid our frenzied culture and harried pace of life, Hunter reminds us that speed is not the summum bonum (greatest good). Instead, deep, lasting change and transformation is the goal, with church being the springboard to that end.
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