Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

How to Find Rest for Your Soul and Your Relationships

I’m inviting you to the possibility of an unhurried life.

If you are a parent, coming out of pandemic lockdowns, you didn’t find calm, unhurried, peaceful days for the past year. If you are the parent of a prodigal, a child making destructive choices for their life, the normal chaos probably increased.

Gem and Alan Fadling took seriously author Dallas Willard’s assurance that the secret to life is to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” Sounds good, but impossible, they thought. What does this look like in a practical way?

This launched them on a journey of discovering “unhurried living.” From that has grown a seminar, a ministry, a number of books and a podcast—which sounds like their lives became intensely more hurried.

But they say this isn’t the case. They have discovered some secrets to help us uncover the genius of Jesus’ unhurried way of living. Hurry creates stress, loneliness, numbness and exhaustion. Their solutions bring rest for your soul.

They offer help to learn to do better work with less hurry, to notice and discern your thoughts and learn to engage with appropriate questions and live into the answers. And they give us a path for soul rest.

And when you love a prodigal, rest for your soul is exactly what you need. In our conversation on When You Love a Prodigal on Charisma Podcast Network, we discussed how to bring peace, not strife, into conversations with a wandering child, a rebellious teen or a young adult choosing wrong paths.

They emphasized the importance of asking questions rather that making statements. And this is the secret to opening communication, expressing love and compassion and maintaining relationship with those we love.

So I invite you to listen in to discover the secrets for a restful soul and peaceful relationships. Listen to this interview with Gem and Alan Fadling now.

About Our Guests

Connect with Alan and Gem Fadling by listening to their Unhurried Life podcast here. Visit their website here, and check out their books, The Unhurried Life, What Does Your Soul Love? and Inhaling Grace. {eoa}

Judy Douglass is a global writer, speaker and encourager. Her most recent book, When You Love a Prodigal, has ignited her new podcast of the same name. She directs Women’s Resources at Cru.

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