In the thriller Double Cross, James David Jordan’s sequel to his novel Forsaken, security specialist Taylor Pasbury and the daughter of late televangelist Simon Mason, her former client, seek to discover the truth about money missing from Simon’s ministry. What they find is intrigue, blackmail and evil.
As the situation develops, Taylor’s mother, who left when Taylor was 9 years old, comes back into her life. Trying to develop a relationship with her unstable mother while finding Simon’s money and avoiding danger occupy Taylor, though she finds time for a little romance.
Taylor’s first-person narrative reveals a charming quirky element to her character. She is definitely flawed, but her sorrow over her sin is sincere, and in the end she realizes something that should lead her into a more genuine relationship with God.
A compelling story that moves like an action movie once it gets going, Double Cross has some decidedly mature content, including violence and nonexplicit references to sexuality.
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