Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

David A.R. White Talks About His New Movie God’s Not Dead: We the People

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again.”

These chilling words were spoken in 1967 by Ronald Reagan during his inaugural speech as governor of California. The trailer for the new movie in the God’s Not Dead series opens with these words. Even though this quote is over 50 years old, it is relevant today in a time when we see religious suppression and governmental overreach rising in America.

In my interview with David A.R. White (star of the new movie and co-founder of PureFlix and Pinnacle Peak Pictures), he discusses how the concept for “God’s Not Dead: We the People” came about and changed over time but how they did not realize how relevant this movie would be as it is releasing when religious freedom is under attack. The script was in the editing process for a while and David credits God for the film releasing “as such a time as this.”

David never imagined he would be at the forefront for creating a genre of Christian films but God has used them in a mighty way to spread the gospel, strengthen faith and provide family-friendly entertainment. David says that “God uses the most unlikely people to do extraordinary things.”

The first God’s Not Dead movie was a cultural phenomenon that catapulted Christian movies in a big way. David says that the goal of the first movie was to start a conversation around God in schools, as it took place in a college campus and the second movie in a high school.

The core message of God’s Not Dead: We the People is taking government out of controlling our lives. It starts with the background of homeschool families who are being told what they can and can not teach, and the fight finds its way to Washington D.C.

David’s prayer is that people would be moved to go to the theaters on October 4, 5 and 6 to support this movie. He says going to the theaters is casting your vote in saying you want more of this type of content to be made.

For more on my conversation with David, listen to the Everyday Discernment Podcast. Please support this movie, have a watch party with your church if you can or get your friends together and go to theaters. If you can’t make it to theaters, you can stream the movie at {eoa}

Tim Ferrara has grown up in the church and has held various leadership positions, both in business and in the church. Tim is currently the executive pastor at LifePoint Church in Arizona. He has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Arizona State University, along with a MBA from University of Phoenix. He has had a career in business management for over 20 years and has worked as faculty for two different colleges. Tim started the ministry of Discerning Dad ( as a way to write and encourage Christians to grow in discernment and make better decisions that honor God. He has a book called Everyday Discernment: The Importance of Spirit-Led Decision Making as well as multiple YouVersion Bible plans. Tim also has a podcast called Everyday Discernment, which is a top-ranked Christian podcast on the Charisma and Edifi podcast networks. Tim lives with his wife Jamie and their two children in Arizona.

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