Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Can We Pray the Polyamory Away?

'Married & Dating'

There’s a saying in the gay community that goes something like this: “You can’t pray the gay away.” Although I don’t believe that—I know of many who were delivered from same-sex attractions through the power of prayer—the media push for gays on TV has paved the way for a new wave of immorality: polyamory.

The pay channel Showtime is airing an original series called Polyamory: Married & Dating, which follows two polyamorous families living in Southern California. This shameful show puts another perverted twist on reality TV, just as did Sister Wives, when it started broadcasting an inside view of modern polygamy where a man is “happily married” to three wives.

Last week, NBC rolled out a report called True Believers, that gets up close and a little too personal with a polyamorous “family” about what it’s like to “live with multiple partners without sacrificing the comforts of home.” This so-called “family” includes five adults and a 9-year-old girl who believe their lifestyle is completely normal.

Even the NBC reporter, who was an instrument of an immoral agenda, asked questions like, “How is that not awkward?” One member of the “family” tried to get cutesy with its definition of what polyamory means, describing it as “more laundry.” Can you see how the prince of the power of the air is using media to push a new level of debauchery to generations young and old?

Although polyamory is illegal in 21 states, statistics on polyamory are difficult to come by. NBC suggested 5 percent of people in the United States are in polyamorous relationships. The NBC report reveals there are more than 900 in Atlanta’s polyamory community. My own research reveals one group, Open Love NY, has more than 1,000 members with an increase in new members since it launched in 2009.

Yes, polyamory is the new darling of an immoral media. I mentioned The Atlantic article earlier this year that profiled Diana Adams, who runs a Brooklyn-based legal firm that fights to offer traditional marriage rights to untraditional lovers—and is in a polyamorous relationship. Valentine’s Day saw article after article on polyamory, and sites like Live Science are working to debunk the myths around the cultural phenomenon.

But it grows worse. I just learned there’s even an app for that! A mobile application called 3nder advertises polyamory in a way I won’t repeat. ABC has preached the “gospel of polyamory” in its attempt to move past gay marriage into further destruction of God’s plan for the family. But it doesn’t end there. Just as some practicing homosexuals claim eternal security in Christ, some “swingers” are now claiming Christianity despite living in immorality, even launching a matchmaking site to help them hook up.

As I’ve said before, slowly and steadily, the push for polyamory is rising in the media, in many ways taking a page from the gay agenda‘s playbook. Polyamory is already a legislative issue in Canada. Rest assured, America will be next. The shadow of Sodom and Gomorrah hangs over America. Perversion is rising.

Can we pray the polyamory away? If we sit by and complain or stick our heads in the sand, arguing that Christians should not be discussing these issues, then we’re admitting defeat and displeasing Christ. But if you believe that God can deliver some from the grip of immorality—whether that’s adultery, fornication, masturbation, pornography, homosexuality, polygamy, bestiality, polyamory or some other sexual sin—then drop to your knees and join with me in intercessory prayer. It’s not only about setting the captives free—it’s about protecting the next generation of young minds the media is molding.

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Making of a ProphetYou can email Jennifer at jennifer.leclaire@charismamedia.com or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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