Gina Meeks

  • Where Is God in Natural Disasters?

    Where Is God in Natural Disasters?

    Where was God when Superstorm Sandy pounded the Eastern Seaboard, killing at least 50 and causing historic destruction? And where was God in 2011 when the tsunami and earthquake claimed more than 200,000 lives in Japan? In the wake of such incredible loss and disaster, we struggle to understand how a God who is all-powerful

  • Radical Left Fully Tips Its Hand in Houston

    Radical Left Fully Tips Its Hand in Houston

    As reported Tuesday, the city of Houston has issued subpoenas for several pastors to hand over all their sermons regarding homosexuality, gender identity or Mayor Annise Parker. The far-left has now finally fully tipped their hand. Years ago when it came to laws related to human sexuality and marriage equality, they told us they did

  • While We’re Praying for Nicki Minaj, She’s Praying for This

    While We’re Praying for Nicki Minaj, She’s Praying for This

    Nicki Minaj is taking plenty of flak these days for her “Anaconda” song and all-out pornographic video—and well she should. Any song that chants about looking at people’s backsides and otherwise opens up women to sexual exploitation is shameful at best. But I’m holding out hope for Nicki Minaj. In late September, former Charisma editor Lee Grady

  • Spiritual Adultery and Fornication in the 21st-Century Church

    Spiritual Adultery and Fornication in the 21st-Century Church

    Just a few decades ago it was easier to tell the difference between a real Christian and a non-Christian, a saint and a sinner. There was not the kind of wiggle room we have today when we say of some professing Christian, “He’s a Christian, but he’s really messed up.” Or “He’s got a good

  • How God Is Moving With Dreams and Visions in the Muslim World

    How God Is Moving With Dreams and Visions in the Muslim World

    Saeed Abedini, who is serving an eight-year sentence in a brutal Iranian prison for his Christian faith, came to Christ at age 20. A devout Muslim at the time, he had found a Bible and started reading it. One night, he was awakened three times by a voice that said, “Saeed, I am coming soon.

  • Can We Pray the Polygamy Away?

    Can We Pray the Polygamy Away?

    If the floodgates weren’t already open, they are now. A federal judge in Utah has struck down part of the state’s ban on polygamy. That’s right, in a land founded by Mormons and populated mostly by Mormons, according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, it may no longer be illegal to marry

  • 8 Ways We Can Represent God in This World

    8 Ways We Can Represent God in This World

    The greatest privilege believers have this side of heaven is our calling to represent God to this world. The following are some of the criteria the Bible lays out regarding this: 1. We are called to speak the oracles of God. The apostle Paul said that he was called to manifest the Word of God

  • 10 Judgments Jesus Made Against Religious Church Systems

    10 Judgments Jesus Made Against Religious Church Systems

    Every church and/or organization has a corporate culture with norms, rules and expectations that pressure participants to conform. Some cultures are good and some bad. That being said, there are particular attributes that characterize false religions or become the norm during religious decline in a true faith such as Christianity. For example, “Every religious system

  • It’s Time to Get Ahabs out of Our Pulpits

    It’s Time to Get Ahabs out of Our Pulpits

    Pastors generally believe same-sex marriage and abortion are wrong, but most of them won’t talk to their congregations about it for fear of losing members. Those were the opening words of an article I wrote last week called “Most Pastors Avoid Controversial Issues to Keep Tithes Up.” The article was based on a study from

  • Pentecostals Put Themselves in Middle of Ferguson, Missouri, Violence

    Pentecostals Put Themselves in Middle of Ferguson, Missouri, Violence

    The streets of Ferguson, Missouri, have fluctuated between violence, calm and renewed violence following the shooting death of Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old, by Darren Wilson, a white Ferguson police officer, in a confrontation on Saturday, Aug. 9. After two failed attempts to restore order by police, as violence and looting erupted again over the

  • Robin Williams Was Part of the Baby Boomer Suicide Epidemic

    Robin Williams Was Part of the Baby Boomer Suicide Epidemic

    Robin Williams’ suicide not only rocked the entertainment world—it rocked people in many parts of the world who loved his comic genius. In the wake of his untimely death, mental-health experts are pointing to statistics that reveal Williams’ silent suffering was part of an epidemic. Suicide is a top-10 cause of death—more people die from

  • Doctors Gave Up on Her Son, But She Prayed in a Miracle

    Doctors Gave Up on Her Son, But She Prayed in a Miracle

    A Texas mother and son are giving all the glory to God for the young man’s miraculous recovery. In May, 17-year-old Cory Almanza was critically injured in a car accident that would have killed most people. His mother, Ruby Flores, remembers getting the call that every parent dreads. “Just love your kids as much as

  • Duggar Clan Adds Yet Another Member

    Duggar Clan Adds Yet Another Member

    The Duggar clan just keeps on growing—though this time it’s through marriage. Jessa Duggar, star of 19 Kids and Counting, is engaged to marry Ben Seewald. Seewald and Duggar have been courting for 11 months. “We are so blessed to be engaged!” the couple said in a statement. “God has written an amazing story through

  • Hillsong: From Humble Beginnings to Hollywood Feature Film

    Hillsong: From Humble Beginnings to Hollywood Feature Film

    “Why would anyone want to see a movie about us!?!?” That’s how Hillsong’s leader Brian Houston starts out a recent blog post. In fact, he says that was his response when some Hollywood producers approached him late last year with a proposal for a Hillsong movie. It’s the story about the band Hillsong United, and the

  • WATCH: Boy Miraculously Fights Off 400-Pound Alligator

    WATCH: Boy Miraculously Fights Off 400-Pound Alligator

    A 9-year old boy is making news headlines across the country for wrestling a 9-foot long, 400-pound alligator—and winning. “It really amazed me what happened. At first I thought someone was just playing with me, and I didn’t know what happened,” James Barney Jr. said in a press conference. “I reached down to go grab

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