Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Marc Nuttle

Where Do We Go From Here?
The necessity of economic restructuring will result in one of two scenarios: either 1) more federal government control, less states’ rights and reduced individual freedom as the federal government provides basic services; or 2) state governments and local municipalities will provide basic services and the result will be more local control, increased states’ rights and a proper balance between federal and state governments. Christian aid, for the right reasons, could help tremendously in the latter result.

So again, what does it mean to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness? To me it means trusting God and His rules for order. It means believing He will act upon your prayers. It means loving your neighbor as yourself. It means believing that His kingdom is the answer rather than total government control. It means spreading the “Good News.”

Righteousness is doing the right thing, pursuant to God’s laws and commands, and obeying His directives. If we do this for God’s glory, we set the example for the sacrifice that is required to right the order.

Remember, Jesus told us we are not to worry or be anxious about what we eat, what we drink, what we wear—“your Father knows that you need these things” (Luke 12:30, NKJV). At the same time, just because we are not to do this in fear or worry does not mean that it would not be prudent to prepare.

In Acts 11:28 Agabus predicted famine. It actually happened. Scripture says, “The disciples, each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea” (v. 29, emphasis mine).

The exercise of faith, knowing that God is in charge of all circumstances and that He will provide for us and for others through us, is our obedience to God’s Word.

In Jeremiah 22:15-16, God offers the following statement about King Josiah: “He did what was right and just, so all went well with him. He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” (NIV).

Many churches today provide for the needs of the poor as best they can. it’s not easy, given the countless requests made. Pastors have to determine the legitimacy of the requests for help and prioritization of resources. But that’s not the point—the main issue is whether we are prepared to help at all.

A time is coming when the need will be great. Just as in the time of Agabus, when a greater need was predicted, a plan of organization and coordination was required. The early church assigned the task and organization to the elders. Possibly we could do the same today. There are elected officials who would help with the implementation of Christian services to overall government plans.

However you balance the Scriptures on providing for the needy, a believer’s obligation is to share the good news of Jesus Christ for the Kingdom. An opportunity is coming for a great harvest and awakening, and we must be ready.

In these times, will we as Christians be known as a movement of servants who gave hope and comfort in time of need? Will historians, centuries from now, refer to Christians as having provided a solution to a world of peoples’ needs?

May we prepare to set the example of love, be obedient to our call and seize the coming opportunity for the harvest.

Marc Nuttle is an attorney based in Norman, Okla., who represents corporations, business projects and political entities nationally and internationally. He is widely recognized for his expertise in forecasting political and economic trends and served on the Industrial Policy Advisory Committee for Trade and Policy Matters for the U.S. government under President Ronald Reagan.

To watch Marc Nuttle explain the solution to America’s debt crisis click here.

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