After months of enduring pundit attacks and harsh criticisms by media, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has launched SarahPAC — a political organization aimed at advancing her values and ideals.

“[We] believe America’s best days are ahead,” states the new Web site. “Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.”
Portrayed as a national organization dedicated to Palin‘s vision for a “better, stronger, and safer America,” SarahPAC described America’s top priority right now as creating a strong economy that “recognizes hard work, innovation and integrity by rewarding small businesses and hard working American families.”
Donations to SarahPAC will also benefit local and national candidates whom Palin supports. “Gov. Sarah Palin believes all Americans must work together for the future, regardless of their party affiliation,” states the site. “SarahPac [supporters] are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and those unaffiliated with any political party.”
Palin appears to be done dusting herself off after her bid for vice president last fall generated months of mockery and mudslinging against her by media and late night talk shows, much of it scrutinizing or making light of her brand of Christianity.
Some observers even believed a hatred for Palin and her traditional values was what motivated someone last December to set a devastating fire at her hometown Wasilla Bible Church — an arson case that still remains unsolved.
Palin’s Christian faith, which has Pentecostal roots, was the subject of Charisma‘s cover story this January.
The new SarahPAC Web site highlights health care, education and government reform among key goals, and calls energy independence “a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.”
“As a new president takes office and begins to lead our country, Gov. Palin believes that every one of us has a duty and responsibility in this time of economic crisis and international challenge,” the site states. “Each one of us must step up to the plate, get involved in the spirit of renaissance and renewal that is critical to America’s success.”