‘Charisma’ Unveils Free Mobile News App

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Adrienne S. Gaines

To further its mission to serve the Spirit-filled community, Charisma magazine has launched a free Charisma News Mobile app, one of the first Christian applications to offer original news articles that inform readers about the work of the Holy Spirit worldwide, and inspire and empower believers to live life in the Spirit. 

The Charisma News Mobile app is currently available for download at app.charismamag.comReaders can also text“Charisma” to 46275to download the app to their iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile or Palm WebOS smart phone.  

“For almost 35 years Charisma has been more than a magazine; we’ve been a connective point for various streams within the Spirit-filled community,” said Charisma Editor Marcus Yoars. “Now we’re at an unprecedented crossroads of being able to mesh that unique role with today’s technology, and the result is that we’re connecting with people anytime, anywhere.”

The app is part of Charisma‘s multifaceted initiative to engage new technology to better serve its readers. In May, the magazine unveiled a new design for its print editionwhich incorporated new departments and enhanced online content. Its digital editions provide exclusive videos, music, podcasts, photo galleries and more.  

“Our team of writers and editors generate excellent content that will be available not only in print but also at our fingertips with this free app,” said Charisma Founder and Publisher Steve Strang. “I believe this is only the first step of using the new technology to spread the gospel and tell people about the power of the Holy Spirit.”

In addition to making Charisma‘s award-winning content more accessible, the Charisma News Mobile app also will help readers better connect with the magazine’s website, which is being expanded and reorganized to serve as a hub for various Spirit-filled audiences.

Along with Bible studies and the latest book, music and movie reviews, mobile phone users also can find J. Lee Grady’s hard-hitting Fire in My Bones column, provocative commentary from Harry R. Jackson Jr. and insightful Bible teaching from Joyce Meyer.

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