Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Angels of Abundant Harvest Bringing Financial Breakthroughs in This Season

In faith, Nikki believed the Lord for $10,000 in February, more than double the $5,000 payment the agency expected in March.

Editor’s note: When I prophesied about the angels of abundant harvest, I began seeing this prophetic word come to pass in my life. I’ve received many testimonies from those who aligned with this prophecy. This one Steve Rees chronicled really touched my heart. God has released the angels of abundant harvest. You can read the entire prophecy at Below is Rees’ report, which will bless your life:

Despite prayer and fasting for financial breakthrough in Feb. 2017, Troy and Nikki Swenson were $800 short on a March bill from the adoption agency helping them bring a child from China to the United States.

In faith, Nikki believed the Lord for $10,000 in February, more than double the $5,000 payment the agency expected in March.

As the shortest month of the year closed in on them, the Swensons had only $4,200.

“We needed a miracle,” says Nikki, who learned shortly after her marriage to Troy in 2009 that she was unable to have children after medical complications in treating a lung virus.

Shy $5,800 on Feb. 26, Nikki that day read a prophetic word from an author she didn’t know.

Published by Charisma, an online article headlined “2017 Prophecy: The Lord is Releasing Angels of Abundant Harvest” was on Nikki’s Facebook page when she looked Sunday afternoon.

Written by the magazine’s senior editor, Jennifer LeClaire, and based on her book by the same title, the word read in part: “Provision will enter your life from unexpected places.

“I am releasing the angels of abundant harvest. They will minister blessings to the heirs of salvation. They will bring provision and protection from the enemy’s sword.”

Nikki knew the word was for her, Troy and others like the friend, who sent it to them two days before their March deadline.

Throughout two previous adoption attempts, the Swensons faced opposition from the agency helping them and some questions from family and friends, who didn’t understand why it took so long.

Within days of claiming the word for themselves, the Swensons received word from a Long Island woman they had met once in 2010 during a visit to New York. She told them that, in obedience to God, she was sowing a financial seed into their adoption dreams.

“We thanked her, not knowing what she had in mind or when it would arrive,” says Nikki.

On March 11, the Swensons’ friend—who once gave $30,000 to her Long Island church—wrote a check for $5,000.

A week after writing the check, she called Nikki on Sunday afternoon, March 19, to ask if they had received it at their home in Colorado.

“I told her ‘no’ and to stop payment on the check when her bank opened on Monday because it had been eight days from the time she mailed it in New York,” says Nikki.

A nurse, the woman agreed to do so and, in the interim, sent a picture of the $5,000 check to Nikki’s Facebook page.

“We rejoiced at what God had done, seeing the amount for the first time,” says Nikki.

“Through faith, fasting and prayer, the Word of the Lord and obedience by our friend, we’re seeing an abundant harvest in our adoption dreams.”

Laura Lucia didn’t know how much the Swensons needed, but wrote the check after the Holy Spirit whispered the amount.

“There’s incredible joy in my heart for the God-given ability to help Troy and Nikki achieve their greatest dream in life,” says Lucia.

The Swensons, hard workers who love Jesus, admit they have a way to go in meeting their total adoptions costs of $40,000. But their faith is strong in the face of opposition.

In six to seven years, they plan to open an orphanage in Ecuador. They believe their current adoption plan—along with challenges to two previous attempts—is preparing them.

Since reading LeClaire’s prophetic word, the Swensons are seeing more breakthroughs.

A veterinarian wrote off a bill this month for treatment of the Swenson’s dog, Ouray, who died after failed attempts to save him.

They also believe that angels of abundant harvest are working on their behalf and for others to bring radical increase in 2017. {eoa}

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